Ten-year water line replacement project nears completion

Thursday, July 29, 2004

Ten-year water line replacement project nears completion

It's taken 10 years, but the city is almost finished. Replacing well lines that is. In 1994, the city began replacing the old cast iron well lines with new 8-inch plastic. A well line carries water being pumped by wells to the water treatment plant. Since 1994 approximately 4,000 feet of line has been replaced and crews are now working on the final 1,300 feet on Olive Street near the middle school. According to Dave Irwin, city water maintenance construction supervisor, the plastic lines will offer better quality water with no turbidity and no dirt in the lines and better flow. Above, Timmy Wiggans, Bob Kerbs and Ernie Leftwich work on replacing 8-inch well lines in front of the middle school on Olive Street.

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