The Way it Was

Friday, March 10, 2006

100 years ago

Ex-manager of the defunct Salmon Bank the target for would-be assassin

Two shots were fired at the home of Thomas M. Casey last night about 8:30, one bullet entering the east window and lodging in a door, and the other missing the residence, says Friday's Clinton Republican.

There is no clue to the identity of the would be assassin, and as Mr. Casey did not care to discuss the matter for publication, little information can be obtained. The shots were fired from a rifle of large caliber.

It is supposed that the person who fired the shots is a creditor of the Salmon Bank and was seeking revenge for real or fancied wrongs.

50 years ago

Heavy damage in Bristow fire

A large barn in Bristow and on estimated $3,000 worth of hay and feed, belonging to Oliver Ekstrom of Kansas City, were destroyed by fire at about 4 o'clock Friday afternoon. The Nevada Fire Department was called to Bristow, but flames were too far advanced to save the building or contents and efforts were concentrated on saving the house.

In addition to the feed loss by the Ekstorm's the renters, Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Barber, lost four stock calves, two hogs, 400 gallons of gasoline which exploded, and an old panel truck in the fire. A large tree in the yard caught fire and it became necessary to cut it down to prevent its igniting the house.

The fire was thought to have been caused by combustion from the damp hay which was stored in the barn.

Mr. and Mrs. Ekstrom are both employed in Kansas City and Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Barber has moved to the place from Ketterman only last week.