
The Way it Was

Friday, December 8, 2006

100 years ago

Mark Twain, dress reformer, wears all white

WASHINGTON -- With pools of water frozen on the streets, snow flurries in the air and the wind blowing half a gale, "Mark Twain" appeared in Washington yesterday in a spotless white serge suit with trimmings to match.

He went to the Capitol and was escorted to the press gallery, where he gave the newspaper men some views on clothes that seemed as airy as his raiment. A palm leaf fan was offered to him, but he declined with thanks.

"Boys, I belong to the Ancient and Honorable Society of Perfection and Purity. I am the president secretary and treasurer. I am the only member. In fact, I am the only man in the United States who is eligible to membership." he drawled out in his own characteristic style.

50 years ago

Church is razed by fire

Fire of an undermined origin completely destroyed the Rinehart Christian Church, located nine miles north and five miles west of Nevada, four o'clock Saturday morning.

Jack Kendrick, treasurer of the church board of trustees, told The Herald Saturday that the loss is about $20,000.

The one-story frame structure was established in 1882. In 1950 three classrooms and a kitchen were added and in 1952 a front section was added including two front rooms and vestibule.

The fire was discovered by members of the Marvin Forkner family, who live just across the road from the church, and the blaze had gained too much headway to save the building. The Forkner family was able to save a few chairs and the kitchen stove.