
The Way it Was

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

100 years ago

Thirteen-year locusts due this springs

COLUMBIA, Mo. -- There will be due in Missouri this coming spring the largest brood of the 13-year locusts, or periodical cicadas known to this state. This locusts will appear in all the wooded portions of the state, except the northwest corner, and they should make their appearance in immense numbers by the latter part of May. The prairie sections will be exempt.

J.M. Stedman, entomologist of the Experiment Station at the University of Missouri, makes this statement in a note of warning and copies of it will be mailed to points throughout the state.

50 years ago

Bronkar is selected agent of the year

G.A. Bronkar, general agent for the Financial Reserve Life in Nevada, was named Agent of the Year by the company at its mid-winter sales seminar. Mr. Bronkar's outstanding sales performance and excellent service to this rapidly growing clientele enabled him to win this highly-coveted award.

In conjunction with this honor, Mr. Bronkar has been selected as an agent to attend the School of Insurance Marketing at Southern Methodist University in Dallas Texas.