Letter to the Editor

McCain won in Missouri by only 3,702 votes

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Dear Editor,

I am writing in response to a letter published Nov. 20, 2008, in the Nevada Daily Mail, from Dan Gayman. He had stated in his letter that "Vernon County, along with a majority of the rest of the people of Missouri, chose not to participate in the support of a socialist candidate with ties to Marxist economics which calls for the spreading the wealth around, or in the words of Karl Marx, author of the "Communist Manifesto", "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs".

Let's look at the numbers. The country as a whole granted 365 electoral votes to Obama and McCain 173 electoral votes, but some do not like the electoral votes, so lets look at the popular vote: Obama: 66,822,230 vs. McCain: 58,343,671, so Obama won the popular vote and the electoral vote.

The unofficial tally, according to Missouri Secretary of State is: McCain/Palin:1,445,612 and Obama/Biden: 1,441,910, that is barely half of Missouri, though technically it is a majority, it was 3,702 votes that made the difference and gives new meaning to every vote counts. Vernon County was 60 percent McCain/Palin, and almost 40 percent to Obama.

So the question is, are most American values laying in the Marxist theories? Not hardly. The next question is, are most Americans elitists? Not hardly. The last question is, are most Americans Marxist Elitists? Well, that simply does not exist. You cannot be an Elitist and a Marxist.

What most Americans have caught onto, is that the fear and smear tactics do not work anymore. Americans have caught on to these tactics of division. The days of "you're a 'good Christian' if you vote such and such" or "you're a 'patriotic person' if you vote such and such" or "you are 'a good person' if you vote such and such" are over, the false accusations and propaganda did not materialize this time, as a whole to win the election. Americans voted for change.

Americans have witnessed the stock market crash, witnessed millions of foreclosures take place, and witnessed corporations take millions of jobs go overseas or across the borders.

Biblically speaking, Americans have seen one of the deadly sins of the Bible in full spectrum, greed, corporate greed, and it has been at whatever cost it to the average American. "We the People" according to the Constitution, are the government, and "We the People", have spoken and as Americans have spoken as ONE entity. America needs to regain her strength and she will, if we can work together and move forward together as one country through the economically challenging times that lay ahead of us.

I have to agree with Dan Gayman on one point though, and that is Sarah Palin, the "darling" from Alaska, is not going away soon. She seems to be enjoying every photo op and every interview she can. Her, "they are out to get me", sort of speak, responses seems to have captured the hearts of some of the conservative base. Whether or not she has a shot in 2012 versus some of the other conservatives who will be running against her remains to be seen.

Lisa Wilson

Milo, Mo.