Letter to the Editor

All recent council decisions made according to code or charter

Friday, March 13, 2009

To the citizens of Nevada:

In recent weeks, statements have been made that questioned the appropriateness of certain decisions made by the Nevada City Council. It is not my intention to respond to any specific statement, because everyone has a right to their opinions as well as the right to express them. Hopefully a person's opinions are based upon facts and not merely rumors.

I do, however, want to communicate to all the citizens of Nevada that I take the responsibility you have entrusted me with seriously. While I realize it is difficult to please everyone, I am working hard to restore confidence in the actions of the City Council and improve communication to every citizen.

To the best of my knowledge, all decisions made by the current City Council have been made according to the city code and/or city charter after consideration of all the facts. The advice of legal counsel is often sought and followed especially in sensitive issues such as personnel matters.

It is the responsibility of the citizens of Nevada to elect council members to represent them, and it is the responsibility of the council members to make the best decisions possible regarding issues that come before them. This does not mean, however, that the responsibility of citizens ends at the voting booth. There is still the responsibility of keeping the council members accountable. One of the best ways to do this is to attend the city council meetings and personally become familiar with the city code and the city charter. I encourage you to contact any council member or the city manager directly whenever you have any questions or suggestions. This way nobody can be misled by the opinions of others who may not know all the facts.

With the current economic climate of the nation being what it is, we are watching our spending closely. Projects funded by sales tax increases passed by the citizens of Nevada are still being scheduled and completed as planned. The city staff is working diligently to complete them as quickly and efficiently as possible. The new shelter at Marmaduke Park will soon be completed, the Twin Lakes ball fields are nearing completion, the multi-million dollar waste water treatment plant is well underway, a new airport terminal and runway were recently constructed, and new curbs and gutters continue to be added every year along with the resurfacing of our city streets.

In addition, the development of the city's comprehensive master plan has begun and preliminary discussions are underway for the remodeling of our local community center and Earp Park.

Public hearings will be held for your input for both the comprehensive master plan and the community center project. The completion of these projects and others not mentioned would not be possible without your support. Thank you for your decision to help see Nevada become a more progressive community.

I would like to remind everyone of the citywide clean up day scheduled for Saturday, April 18. Please take advantage of this time to dispose of items you have accumulated over the long winter or those items you just don't know how or where to dispose of properly. You can contact city hall at your convenience for more information.

It is a privilege to serve and represent you, and I thank you for your continued trust as we look forward to the future together. I believe Nevada will always be a great place to live and a great place to raise your family.


Mike Hutchens, Mayor

City of Nevada