
Cell phone story

Saturday, July 24, 2010

After I washed my cell phone in my overalls, then frantically retrieved it from the washer, I opened the phone, took out the battery and threw the phone and battery in a bag of rice in an attempt to save it.

After a couple of days, the phone was showing the effects of the water bath, but still was operating.

Just as I prepared to go out of town for a few days, the abused phone finally croaked at 5:30 in the afternoon on the evening before the trip.

I called Radio Shack and asked them what time they closed and they said 6 p.m. Knowing I had a 6 o'clock meeting, I was trying to figure out what to do since I was pretty sure I couldn't get this taken care of in a 30 minute period. At the start, the owner came out of his office and listened to my tale of woe. He called the company concerning my contract and then he said "Why don't you go ahead and go to your meeting at 6. We're broadcasting the Royals game and I'm going to be here until 10, so just come back when you get finished." Once the meeting was over, I went back down to the store and sure enough all the details had been wrapped up and a new phone had been charged and all the phone numbers transferred. I felt like hugging him but restrained myself.

As I gratefully took the phone and headed out, my comment was "This is probably one of the reasons I never went to live in a big city. Where else but small town America could you get this kind of individual service and support?"