Nevada schools avoid state cuts ... for this year

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

By Ralph Pokorny

Nevada Daily Mail

Any cuts to federal funds should have no impact on the Nevada R-5 School District this year, said Superintendent Dr. David Stephens.

The Missouri Depart-ment of Elementary and Secondary Education told all Missouri schools about the anticipated effect of a 9 percent cut in federal funds last year and those potential cuts were included when the current year's budget was developed.

What, if any, impact the sequestration will have on the 2013-14 school budget was still unknown Monday afternoon.

Stephens said that he should have a better idea by the end of this week after the district hears from the state.

Stephens said that federal money accounts for about 9 percent of the district's money and it is for various federal title programs, like Title 1 which is aimed at improving the academic achievement of disadvantaged children.

He said the district already made cuts in staffing in federally funded programs this year and he is waiting to see if these cuts will be enough.

If there are further impacts on federally funded programs in the district there will have to be a decision made about whether the district absorbs the cost or makes cuts to programs.

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