
The dead can be very fattening

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Hi neighbors. The thing about genealogy is that the dead folk just won't let the living rest. About the time I think I have my database finished as far back as I can go, someone new (well, dead and buried) shows up to challenge my tenacity.

My problem is that my database grows outward horizontally instead of staying in a straight blood line backwards. I just hate to see good information get left behind. Many people who find out they are in my database are delighted to glean information from me.

Although I am happy to share, giving information away doesn't make it disappear from the waistline of my family tree.

I think my database needs to lose weight; become more lanky and taller instead of wider. That will not happen most likely. I am stuck with my past deeds.

When a tasty tidbit is found, I have to feed the family tree! Sometimes these bits of information show up unanticipated; but more often they float in as a result of bread cast upon the waters. For instance today I received two obituaries from the Midwest Historical & Genealogical Society in Wichita, Kan. I know these obituaries were copied from a newspaper. I realize some human researcher had to look them up, copy them off and mail them to me. It would seem obvious that these busy people would not send out obituaries helter skelter to people in Missouri. Apparently I ordered these two obituaries at some point in the distant past (far enough back for me to forget about ordering them at least) and the researchers just now had time to fill my request.

However they came to be there, I was happy to see these pages in my mail this morning. I will admit it took me a while to figure out who these people were to me. Come to find out they were part of the middle of my ever growing database's waistline.

But the information will be incorporated into the matrix as soon as possible; can't just ignore it now can I?

Another interesting bit of this story is that one of the obituaries was copied as part of an entire page of obituaries! I don't know any of these people. At least not yet. I'll have to search for them in my database and see if they are in it. Or their parents, siblings, children, etc. You never know where a single name will take you in genealogy!

Ancestry.com has an ad out about free immigration records available till Monday. I hope we all have time to take advantage of that free offer. They do this now and then, most likely to entice new members. But these limited time offers are free and can be very useful. So if you are into genealogy, find time to peruse these free records while they are available.

But don't stay home all the time! Even genealogist get out now and then. Usually to cemeteries, but at least that's outdoors. And if you don't think hiking through old cemeteries with broken headstones, tree roots, and sometimes cows for company isn't a work out; just try it sometime.

Tonight there are some cool bands playing here in town at Back Roads Steakhouse. I think 'Dangerous' Doug Harper deserves lots of kudos for assembling these concerts! It takes lots of time, effort and know-how to get several groups of very busy people in one place at one time and Harper has done it three times just this week! Thanks out to 'Dangerous' Doug and his successes!

Until the next time friends remember that as interesting as a good genealogical mystery might be, living for today is more important. See you out and about!