
A fall in the fall?

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Many observers have been predicting a collapse of the economy of the United States, as well as that of the entire world. Many books have been written on the subject, including, "The Coming Economic Earthquake" (1991 by Larry Burkett), and "Financial Reckoning Day" by William Bonner in 2003. Never have so many called for it to happen so soon, however, possibly even this September or October.

The degree of relative wealth to which we have been accustomed has been tied to the U.S. dollar's status as the recognized world reserve currency, which was arranged at the Bretton Woods conference following World War II. This is about to change. The International Monetary Fund, which was established at that same conference, has announced that a new alternate reserve currency will be introduced this October. This may take the form of "Special Drawing Rights" or SDR's, representing a "basket of currencies" in which China hopes to have its yuan included. That would dramatically change the world economic scene.

Surely, you say, our government will not allow the economy to collapse -- it will deal with the problem. I refer you to the words of Ronald Reagan: "Government IS the problem." It begins to make sense when you realize that our real government is not made up of our elected representatives, but instead composed of a cartel of mostly foreign bankers with no allegiance to our country or to any other. They are globalists intent on implementing a one-world government, and they create our economic policy.

Year after year the government borrows and spends far above its ability to pay, and both political parties are complicit. This leads to an economic dead end. And where does the money come from? It's printed "out of thin air" by the Federal Reserve. It's worth reviewing the wording of the actual Federal Reserve Act: "An act to provide for the establishment of Federal Reserve banks, to furnish an elastic currency, [say what?] to afford means of rediscounting commercial paper, to establish a more effective supervision of banking in the United States [right!] and for other purposes." Bill Bonner points out that "for other purposes" probably most interested lawmakers, as "a little easy money before elections wouldn't hurt."

It has been said that the aim of good government is to stimulate production, and that of bad government is to encourage consumption. Which does our government do? For material progress there have to be savers, and the savings have to be applied to some useful enterprise. (stimulation of production). The prolonged, insanely low interest rates in America make saving impossible, especially with real inflation running at 10-11 percent.

For an amazing revelation of how a collapse around this September could be a part of God's judgment on this nation, read Jonathan Cahn's bestseller, "The Harbinger." In the book he points out that only two nations in history have been dedicated to God at their inception, Israel and the United States. Yes, George Washington's first act as president at his inauguration was to lead the House and Senate members to St. Paul's chapel for that dedication to God (Jehovah)

Cahn relates how God instructed the people of Israel to allow the land to enjoy Sabbaths, i.e., to lie fallow every seventh year (the Shemitah). As long as the people honored God, every sixth year, He provided enough food to last for three years -- that sixth year, the seventh year of rest, and for the next year of planting. And every seventh group of seven years ended in a year of Jubilee when all debts would be forgiven. Read about it in chapter 25 of Leviticus. As people thought up ways to avoid keeping the commands, however, the blessings that they had enjoyed began to change into judgments, commencing with a warning invasion by the Assyrians in 732 B.C. These folks were the terrorists of the day, and the ancestors of today's al Qaeda. The meaning of Shemitah is "the letting fall." Continued disobedience, and especially the sacrifice of children, led to Israel's final invasion.

Our nation has also turned away from God and His teachings, including the removal of God and prayer from public schools, the legalization of abortion (sacrifice of children), and recognition of same-sex marriages. There is good evidence of a series of judgments on the U.S. at seven-year intervals. The two largest crashes in stock market history occurred in 2001 (along with the warning invasion of 9/11) and in 2008. With the end of the current Jubilee year to occur on the 13th of this September, it does give one pause...

If the United States does fall in the fall of this year, it will be because those of us who are Christians have failed to humble ourselves and pray, to seek God's face, and to turn from our wicked ways. The prescription for the healing of America is found in II Chronicles 7:14. Just remember that "today is the day of salvation" and that Jesus is the only one who provides it. Nothing you do can achieve it, and nothing you have done can prevent His love from saving you if you are willing. You may not be able to prevent the fall of our country, but you can prevent your own fall into an eternity of judgment.