Create your own world

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Cottey College intern

On Tuesday, October 4th, Dr. Jennifer Wisdom presented a program at Cottey College titled, "Imagine: Creating the World you Want." She immediately captured the audience's with her enthusiasm as she talked about her life, discussing both the good and bad events that had happened, and how she has learned from it.

She began her presentation by discussing where she first began to learn leadership skills in the army. There, she discovered the strong male power within the U.S. Army, and she learned to adapt and overcome as a woman. After the army, she began her professional life; however, she went on to tell about a moment at work when her male boss told her that she needed to be more "warm and cuddly", to which she responded, "Are you warm and cuddly?" Wisdom had been told that she was not a subtle person and her reactions to things could be harsh; however, she didn't let that affect her.

"Other people's behaviors do not define you; you define you," said Wisdom.

As she continued to tell about her life experiences, Wisdom consistently used the phrase, "When you don't get what you want, you get experience." She discussed the life path she chose to follow, which was to, "Strive for self-improvement, challenge, and growth," all while creating the life she wanted. In order to create the life you want, you have to know what you can contribute and how you want to feel about something. For Wisdom, she gave by teaching others how to learn or grow.

Wisdom explained that you need to make a choice or do something everyday that brings you closer to where you want to be. Make a conscious effort to move towards your goals.

"We create the lives we need to maximize what we need to learn and experience," stated Wisdom.

Even if your goal is to sit on the couch and watch TV all day, do that consciously. Don't let life happen to you; instead, make decisions every day to achieve the goal you have set for yourself

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