Wright -- 40 years

Saturday, September 27, 2008
Wright -- 40 years

Fred and Eloise Wright were surprised by 70 guests who awaited their arrival at the surprise 40th anniversary reception held in their honor on Sunday, Aug. 31. The event was hosted by their children along with their families. Guests enjoyed a brisket dinner followed by anniversary cake. The dinner was prepared by the couple's daughter and daughter-in-law. The two-tiered vanilla cake with Snickers filling, was created by the couple's daughter and was decorated with white cornelli lace and red roses.

Fred L. Wright and Eloise K. Lamb were married on Aug. 31, 1968, at the First Baptist Church in Fort Scott.

Fred is retired from the U.S. Postal Service and Eloise is retired from Eastern Kansas Financial Services. The couple have two children -- Lea Kay Karleskint, husband Chris, grandsons Lake and Lute; and Brad Wright, wife Mandy, grandson Jakob and granddaughter Karli, all of whom reside in Fort Scott.