
They sounds the same

Saturday, September 19, 2009

A short while ago, I kept the three Garnett grandchildren for a couple of days. The grandkids consist of a 14-year-old boy, a 10-year-old girl, and a 5-year-old grandson. They were helpful as we picked the garden and worked on a rock border around the house for the better part of one whole day.

On the second day, due to the heat, we quit working around 11 o'clock and went to the swimming pool. After splashing around, they agreed that they wanted to go see Harry Potter in the "Half Blood Prince" showing at the Fort Cinema. I agreed to take them although I know more about Del Potter than I do Harry Potter. They also suggested they would like to have some popcorn and pop while we were at the movie. Looking in my billfold, I could see I was going to need more cash to bring about this recreational afternoon, so we drove down 23rd Street towards the automatic teller. I jokingly said, "I am going to have to get a loan to take care of you hoodlums."

The 14-year-old immediately said to his sister, "I bet you don't even know what a loan is."

To which she promptly replied, "Oh, yes I do. It's when you go to the bank, you borrow some money, and they make you pay it back." I was impressed with her response. Then from the back seat came the voice of the 5-year-old. He said, "No, a loan is when you are by yourself."

I believe they are both right.