Sports outlook 5/18
(Column ~ 05/18/03)
Know what I miss? I used to really enjoy NBC's Game of the Week on Saturday afternoon until they got all weird and started showing the Yankees practically every week. Somewhere, I still have the scorebook from 1968 when I sat and scored Denny McLain's 30th victory for the Detroit Tigers. ...
Through a glass darkly 5/18
(Column ~ 05/18/03)
According to a recent Associated Press article, Sinead O'Connor is planning to retire from music and teach religion to children. I'm not making this up; she actually announced that she wanted to learn how to minister to others. I think I'll check with the weather service and see whether Hades has had a cold snap. ...
Outdoor living 5/18
(Column ~ 05/18/03)
Missouri turkey hunters needed a break in the weather to beat the record for a spring harvest. They didn't get it so the 2000 record of 56,841 still stands. Hunters did take more than 54,000 bearded birds with the Kansas City Region checking in at 6,623. ...
The third cup 5/18
(Column ~ 05/18/03)
Hi neighbors. This is the month when people receive degrees or diplomas to indicate their graduation from some field of study. Graduation is a word of various meanings and I thought it might interest people to think about this while sipping their coffee and sorting their options. ...
Stories from Sunday, May 18, 2003
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