Video students overcome challenges to earn spot in national competition (Local News ~ 05/26/05)
By Ralph Pokorny Nevada Daily Mail In April, Joe Souza and David Hamilton took on the big boys at the Missouri Skills USA competition and beat them, winning the opportunity to represent Missouri at the Skills USA championship that will be held in Kansas City on June 24 during the 40th Annual National Leadership and Skills Conference... -
NRMC board reviews insurance, discusses tort reform issues
(Local News ~ 05/26/05)
n Two new physicians come to Nevada to set up practice at Nevada Medical Clinic. By Steve Moyer Nevada Daily Mail During their monthly board meeting the Nevada Regional Medical Center board of directors got an update on the hospital's insurance coverage from Joe Moody, Health Care Services Group who gave them good news about their premiums...
Election officials try out new ballot machines
(Local News ~ 05/26/05)
By Steve Moyer Nevada Daily Mail On Wednesday, local voting precinct workers got a chance to work with the new electronic ballot counting machines to be used in the June 7 water district election. The new ballots require a voter to draw a line that completes an arrow instead of filling a circle on the ballot...
In remembrance (Local News ~ 05/26/05)
Charlie Baertschi, owner of Charlie's Electric, donated his time and equipment again to help Judy Knowles, the flag lady, hang flags along Austin Boulevard for Memorial Day. Knowles and volunteers are also working to put U.S. flags on all of the veterans graves in Deepwood Cemetery, Newton Burial Park, Moore Cemetery and other cemeteries in the Nevada area. ... -
Jeffrey Jackson Swearingen
(Obituary ~ 05/26/05)
Jeffrey Jackson Swearingen, 42, Nevada, died May 24, 2005, in Nevada. He was born Oct. 2, 1962, in Nevada, to David Jackson Swearingen and La Mae Neas Swearingen. Jeff grew up in Nevada, and graduated from Nevada High School in 1981. In 1982 he went to the University of Missouri in Columbia and became a member of the Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity. ...
Ivan "Ralph" Fanning
(Obituary ~ 05/26/05)
Ivan "Ralph" Fanning, 76, Fort Worth, Texas, died Sunday, May 22, 2005. Services were held at First Baptist Church of Halton City, Texas, on Tuesday, May 24, at 2 p.m., with C.M. Mosley officiating. Interment was in the Olive Branch Cemetery in Milo. Graveside services were under the direction of Ferry Funeral Home...
Earnest E. Toepfer
(Obituary ~ 05/26/05)
Earnest E. Toepfer, 46, Walker, died today, May 26, 2005, at Nevada Regional Medical Center. Family information and funeral arrangements will be announced later by Ferry Funeral Home.
Tyler Brian Penker (Births ~ 05/26/05)
Dustin and Candace Penker and Kaylea Marie Penker, Nevada, are proud to announce the birth of their son and brother, Tyler Brian Penker. Tyler was born at 11:58 p.m., on May 15, 2005, at Nevada Regional Medical Center. He weighed 8 pounds, and measured 21 inches. Paternal grandparents are Yvonne and Raul Hernandez, Nevada. Maternal grandparents are Janet and Robert McCrory, Nevada, and Randy and Donna Collings, Cary, Ill... -
Lofty thoughts
(Column ~ 05/26/05)
I really loved to get high when I was a kid. It doesn't appeal to me as much anymore, but back a few 50 or 60 years ago there was nothing that I liked better. I liked to get high up in a tree. Roofs were made to climb on. And getting to the top of any hill was a must...
Somehow, we don't have standards anymore
(Editorial ~ 05/26/05)
The older I get, the more out of it I get. For example, I've never watched a "reality" show on TV, listened to rap music or visited Disney World. The celebrities who people supermarket tabloids are mostly strangers to me. I own a computer but I don't blog, surf or chat on it...
The Way It Was
(Column ~ 05/26/05)
100 years ago: Merchant says he was swindled LAMAR, Mo. -- G.M. Usher, a merchant of Minden, Mo., has just brought suit in the circuit court here against the Western Union Telegraph Company to recover $725 lost by him last March through a swindle alleged to have been worked by Connelly, an operator at Parsons...
Tiger athletes state bound! (High School Sports ~ 05/26/05)
By Joe Warren Nevada Daily Mail A remarkable thing happened at the sectional track meet Saturday, as all of the Nevada Tiger athletes who qualified for sectionals, also qualified for the state championships. The state meet, to be held this Friday and Saturday, will have Nathan Gragg, Eric Atkinson, Harrison Gage, Veronica Mosier and Brittany Pettibon competing in individual competition. ...
Stories from Thursday, May 26, 2005
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