Local experts say agricultural business outlook remains positive
(Local News ~ 08/13/06)
By Colette Lefebvre Herald-Tribune Nevada, Mo. -- The enthusiasm knew no bounds at Friday afternoon's Nevada/Vernon County Area Chamber of Commerce luncheon. The primary topic of conversation behind the scenes was Prairie Pride's new groundbreaking venture into biodiesel production. But agricultural endeavors mean much more than this to the community and is one of the area's biggest industries...
Home away from home
(Local News ~ 08/13/06)
By Lynn A. Wade Herald-Tribune They call it the "House that Love Built." More than a place to stay, for many the Ronald McDonald House is a place of comfort and refuge that makes it possible for parents to stay close to their hospitalized children. "It was a lifesaver," said Melissa Lunsford, Altamont, Kan., who stayed in the Ronald McDonald House of the Four States in Joplin for 11 days, while premature twins born to her and her husband Terry became strong enough to go home...
Local girl struggles to recover from accident (Local News ~ 08/13/06)
By Michael Glover Herald-Tribune FORT SCOTT, Kan. - Suvanne and Brad Peel's home has now become a waiting room at Arkansas Children's Hospital in Little Rock, Ark. Before 11:30 a.m. Saturday, everything was all right for the Peels, who live in Fort Scott. After 11:30 p.m., everything has been upended... -
Cedar chest links generations (Local News ~ 08/13/06)
By Colette Lefebvre Herald-Tribune "It all started a long time ago in 1985 when my great-grandparents (Virgil and May Guinn) owned a farm in Ozark County near Gainesville, Mo. Cedar trees grow very thick in this area and often the only tree to grow in these parts is called the "balds" … When my dad and I arrived at Ro Dales (my dad's long time friend), I saw the Cedar boards for the first time. ... -
FSCC develops an energy-saving plan
(Local News ~ 08/13/06)
By Jason E. Silvers Herald-Tribune Fort Scott, Kan. -- Fort Scott Community College could save money on energy use in the future by switching to a cost-saving plan developed by a major nationwide energy company, FSCC officials said. During their regular meeting at 5:30 p.m., Monday, in the FSCC Heritage Room, 2108 S. ...
Maye Rosamond
(Obituary ~ 08/13/06)
Maye Rosamond, 88, Deerfield, Mo., passed away at her home on Aug. 11, 2006. She was born June 10, 1918, in Liberal, Kan., to James Emerson McGriff and Aletha Dykes McGriff. Maye grew up in the Jane, Mo., area south of Joplin. She worked at an ammunitions plant in St. ...
Want a glass of ice water?
(Column ~ 08/13/06)
Hi neighbors. Are your air conditioners still operating? I've heard the repairmen are working overtime. If this is only one of the first indications of global warming, I'm moving to Alaska. Before we all panic though, we need to remember this isn't the first drought and heat wave the country has endured. Actually, it isn't even the worst...
The Land of Misery
(Column ~ 08/13/06)
In the spring and summer of 1863 the "Guerrilla War" in Missouri and Kansas accelerated and numerous atrocities were committed by "Kansas Redlegs" and "Missouri Bushwhackers." The Union soldiers called Missouri the "Land of Misery" and believed that it and it's citizens were the enemy that should be conquered and occupied. Missouri was never completely conquered or occupied and it's citizens of the "Southern Persuasion" remained defiant and their spirit unbroken (some to this very day!)...
The corner stool
(Column ~ 08/13/06)
The corner stool at "Boone's Restaurant" sits empty. For years, Kenny Wells walked in the door at approximately 6:45 a.m. to have his morning coffee. His son, Duane, would have already been there for about an hour, drinking coffee and working on a crossword puzzle. Some of the rest of us would chip in with what we thought were some answers. The often voiced comment was, "Wait until Kenny gets here; he will fill in the blanks."...
Smith -- Cupp Wed (Wedding ~ 08/13/06)
Lacey Anne Smith became the bride of Joe Wesley Cupp II on June 24, 2006, in a ceremony held at Catholic Campus Ministries, Missouri State University, Springfield, Mo. The Rev. Len Brown officiated. Parents of the couple are Dan and Joy Smith of Nevada, Mo., Steve and Stephanie Cupp of Seminole, Fla., and Beverly Cupp, of Washington, Mo... -
Fuselier -- Beal Wed (Wedding ~ 08/13/06)
Russell and Donna Beal of Springfield, Mo., formally of the Fort Scott area, announce the marriage of their son, Anthony "Tony" Beal, to Christine Ann Fuselier, on July 18, 2006. Christine is the daughter of John Fuselier, of Springfield, and Barbara Fuselier, of El Paso, Texas. She is a 1996 graduate of Eastwood High School in El Paso, and is currently employed in child care... -
Cullor -- 70 years (Anniversary ~ 08/13/06)
On Aug. 19, 1936, at the Lemons, Mo., home of the Rev. Harley Skipper, Mary Ruth Bishop and Gilbert Cullor were married as the clock struck 12, noon. From there they went on a six-month honeymoon, traveling south through Missouri, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Louisiana and Old Mexico, working at various jobs to pay for their trip. Returning from their honeymoon they began to settle in Putnam County, Mo... -
Cowan -- 55 years
(Anniversary ~ 08/13/06)
Bill and Norma Cowan were married on Aug. 12, 1951, at the Devon United Methodist Church at Devon, Kan., and celebrated their 55th wedding anniversary on Saturday. The couple now reside in Nevada, Mo. They have two children, Diana Cowan of Tarpon Springs, Fla., and Phillip Cowan and wife Lisa, of Tulsa, Okla.; and two grandsons, Zachary and Seth Cowan of Tulsa...
Dawn Winters -- Jonathan Volini
(Engagement ~ 08/13/06)
Dawn Winters of Independence, Kan., formerly of Nevada, and Jonathan Volini of Ellettsville, Ind., have announced their engagement. Ms. Winters is the daughter of former Nevada residents Harold Winters and the late Jessie (Harper) Winters. Mr. Volini is the son of Paula and Bruce Kasenmeyer of Terre Haute, Ind., and the late Salvatore Volini. He is employed by the I.R.L. in Indianapolis with Rahal-Letterman Racing as a team member for Danica Patrick...
Getting ready to rumble (High School Sports ~ 08/13/06)
Herald-Tribune NEVADA, Mo. -- Nevada High School fall sports teams started practicing for the 2006 season Monday with most sports holding two-a-days for the athletes. Football, softball, cross country, volleyball, girls golf and girls tennis all play their seasons in the fall... - Greyhounds won't let heat beat them (High School Sports ~ 08/13/06)
Lefty should not be left out of the Hall of Fame
(Sports Column ~ 08/13/06)
He began his professional baseball career way back in 1917, but it was 1956 and Vancouver Mounties' manager Frank "Lefty" O'Doul thought he still had something left and sent himself up to pinch-hit at age 59. This was not the majors, mind you. O'Doul was a Triple A icon in the Pacific Coast League, mostly with the San Francisco Seals. ...
Lefty should not be left out of the Hall of Fame
(Sports Column ~ 08/13/06)
He began his professional baseball career way back in 1917, but it was 1956 and Vancouver Mounties' manager Frank "Lefty" O'Doul thought he still had something left and sent himself up to pinch-hit at age 59. This was not the majors, mind you. O'Doul was a Triple A icon in the Pacific Coast League, mostly with the San Francisco Seals. ...
The heat isn't an indicator, but duck season is close
(Sports Column ~ 08/13/06)
When the temperature hovers around 100 degrees and the early morning sun burns white hot, it's hard to imagine that there will ever be an end to summer. In the thick of it, the humid days drone on as relentless as the cicadas, but somewhere beyond the northern horizon lies the promise of a new season, a new fall, a first true cold front and another opening day...
Stories from Sunday, August 13, 2006
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