Lefty tames Liberal as Griffons open set on top (Community Sports ~ 07/14/07)
By Joe Warren Herald-Tribune NEVADA, Mo. -- The Nevada Griffons got a second straight impressive start from a lefty as Lance Hoge pitched 7 1/3 strong innings to shut down the Liberal BeeJays in the opener of a four-game Jayhawk League series at Lyons Stadium Friday... -
Greyhounds, Hutchinson both receive votes in pre-season JC football poll (High School Sports ~ 07/14/07)
By Scott Nuzum Herald-Tribune FORT SCOTT, Kan. -- Both Fort Scott Community College and Hutchinson Community College received votes in the 2007 NJCAA/JCfootball.com pre-season football poll, which was released Wednesday afternoon. The two schools have the influence of Rion Rhoades in common. ... -
Selig clueless when it comes to Golden Age
(Sports Column ~ 07/14/07)
According to baseball's erstwhile commissioner, Bud Selig, the game is currently in its golden age. Selig bases his theory on two factors. Not the least of which is the fact that it is Selig himself, in Selig's mind, who is responsible for the current attendance boom, which is the main basis in the commissioner's theory...
You can always rely on bluegill for good fishing
(Local News ~ 07/14/07)
While mowing my yard last week, I noticed fish in my pond hitting the surface sucking in bugs that had fallen into the water. The mowing stopped and out came the flyrod and a popping bug. The first cast hooked a small bass, but on the second cast, as soon as the yellow bug hit the water, the unmistaken tug and my line moving in tight circles showed there was a big bull bluegill on the hook. After a short battle, the first of 17 bluegill was on the stringer...
FS youth basketball camp July 23
(Community Sports ~ 07/14/07)
Herald-Tribune FORT SCOTT, Kan. -- A basketball camp for boys entering grades 2-8 this school year begins July 23 at Buck Run Community Center here. Camp instructors will be members of the Fort Scott High School coaching staff as well as current and former Tiger players...
Youth baseball champs (Outdoors ~ 07/14/07)
Fort Scott holds junior golf tourney (Outdoors ~ 07/14/07)
Herald-Tribune FORT SCOTT, Kan. -- The Fort Scott Country Club Junior Golfers held a season-ending golf tournament Thursday, after holding lessons for about 12 players under the tutelage of Beth Nuss. The golfers were divided by age and placed in the following groups:... -
Area drivers clean up, winning four of five races (Outdoors ~ 07/14/07)
By Gail Agee Track Reporter What a night with $1,500 to win the Late Model Feature, plus an excellent fireworks display and lots of action on a dry, slick track. On July 14 there will be a $500-to-win Street Stock Special, which should be equally as exciting. Mini Stock driver Dakota Singmaster started the evening off with a bang as he went into the cement retaining wall at the start of the first heat race... -
Two sex cases work their way through Bourbon County Court
(Local News ~ 07/14/07)
By Michael Glover Herald-Tribune FORT SCOTT, Kan. -- Two separate sex crime cases came to Bourbon County Court Thursday, one hearing resulting in a "not guilty" plea and the other in a continuance. An 18-year-old man pleaded not guilty on Thursday to sex crimes against a 15-year-old high school student...
'Meet Me in Missouri' July 21, 22
(Local News ~ 07/14/07)
By Steve Moyer Herald-Tribune FORT SCOTT, Kan. -- The Vernon County Historical Society is putting on a program of Missouri music, "Meet Me in Missouri," at 7 p.m. July 21 and at 2 p.m. July 22. The venue for the performance will be the Community Council on the Performing Arts Fox Playhouse...
Storyteller 'wows' young listeners
(Local News ~ 07/14/07)
By Crystal Hancock Herald-Tribune FORT SCOTT, Kan. -- The Nevada Public Library conducted its weekly "Wowsome Wednesdays" mystery program for several children at the Nevada Community Center. This week's special guest was Jo Ho, a storyteller from Overland Park, Kan. ...
Life change leads local woman to art
(Local News ~ 07/14/07)
By Steve Moyer Herald-Tribune FORT SCOTT, Kan. --Creating art isn't difficult, at least according to Linda Thury-Rogers. The hard part comes in later when artists try to make names for themselves. "Art is easy, it's a lie to say watercolors are hard to do," Rogers said. "You need to paint what you like. Don't paint something because someone says that is what sells. Don't force it."...
USDA loan funds disability renovations (Local News ~ 07/14/07)
By Jason E. Silvers Herald-Tribune FORT SCOTT, Kan. -- Joyce Woods' life is a little easier and more comfortable now thanks to a unique federal loan program. Woods, 53, a resident of 502 S. Burke St., quit her 32-year career teaching in USD 234 a little more than a year ago because of the pain she was enduring from a condition called fibromyalgia, a chronic disorder that affects the muscles and bones in certain areas of the body. ... -
Sophia Irene Noel Baca
(Births ~ 07/14/07)
David and Christine Baca, Fort Scott, and Lucy are proud to announce the birth of their sister and daughter, Sophia Irene Noel Baca. Sophia was born June 26, 2007, at Mount Carmel Regional Medical Center, Pittsburg, Kan. Paternal grandparents are Bud and Linnie Martin, Fort Scott...
Avery Lynne Barmann
(Births ~ 07/14/07)
Dan and Tracy Barmann, Nevada, are proud to announce the birth of their daughter, Avery Lynne Barmann. Avery was born at 8:09 a.m., June 25, 2007, at Nevada Regional Medical Center. She weighed 6 pounds, 11 ounces, and measured 19.5 inches. Paternal grandparents are Carl and Roberta Pratt, Sheldon...
Tyler Valentine - Ashley Cowan (Engagement ~ 07/14/07)
Billy and Pam Cowan and Randy and Elizabeth Valentine, of Fort Scott, announce the engagement and approaching marriage of their children, Ashley Cowan and Tyler Valentine. The couple will wed at 4 p.m., July, 28, 2007, at the First Baptist Church. The bride-to-be is a 2004 Fort Scott graduate and is currently employed by Ward/Kraft Industries. The groom-to-be is a 2004 Fort Scott graduate and is currently employed by BNFS Railway... -
David K. Hathaway - Shannon L. Valentine (Engagement ~ 07/14/07)
Randy and Liz Valentine, Fort Scott, announce the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter, Shannon Lynn, to David Kyle Hathaway, son of David and Brenda Hathaway, Fulton. Shannon is employed by Medplans of Fort Scott. Kyle is employed with Extrusions of Fort Scott... -
Tara N. Hunt - Ryan D. Wunderly (Engagement ~ 07/14/07)
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Vaughn, Mound City, Kan., and Mr. Garen Hunt, Garnett, Kan., announce the upcoming marriage of their daughter, Tara Nicole Hunt, to Ryan Dwayne Wunderly, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Wunderly, Mound City. The Couple will be married on Sept. 1, 2007, at the Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Mound City with a reception in their honor to immediately follow in the 4-H building at the Linn County Fairgrounds... -
A book of memories
(Column ~ 07/14/07)
Hi neighbors. I always encourage people to write down their memories of their childhood and early adult life. As a genealogist, I know these tidbits are real treasures. How else can people of the future know about the real lives of their ancestors? If you have grandchildren, you qualify as an ancestor don't you? Just like being over 50 makes you an antique!...
Regular runways
(Column ~ 07/14/07)
Today, when one hears or reads the words "runway" or "runways," they are normally associated with airports, airplanes and a means of rapid transportation. In the 19th century and the Civil War, the rivers were runways for steamboats and a good dry road (granted, these were few, far and in between, but they did exist) was often considered a route or runway because it could be used to move military supplies and troops fairly quickly...
My kid's a superstar
(Column ~ 07/14/07)
The following from "Home with a Heart" by Dr. James Dobson is titled "My Kid's a Superstar": We all feel good about the successes of our children, and well we should. Problems arise, however, when the pride of the family is riding on the shoulders of an immature child. Boys and girls should know that they're accepted simply because of their own unique worth...
Stories from Saturday, July 14, 2007
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