Jewell Faye Durst
(Obituary ~ 12/18/07)
Jewell Faye Durst, 87, Nevada, passed away on Sunday, Dec. 16 2007, at Christian Healthcare, in Nevada. She was born on Nov. 7, 1920, in Howell County, Mo., to Floyd W. Smith and Inez M. Jones Smith. Jewell attended Franklin Grade School and graduated from Nevada High School, in 1938. ...
Youth wrestlers bring home tournament honors (Community Sports ~ 12/18/07)
Marcayla Eliza Clark
(Births ~ 12/18/07)
Marcella Ast and Caleb Clark, of Nevada, are proud to announce the birth of their daughter Marcayla Eliza Ast. Marcayla was born at 3:13 p.m., Dec. 14, 2007, at Nevada Regional Medical Center. She weighed 7 pounds, 8 ounces, and measured 20 inches. Maternal grandparents are Daryl and Malinda Ast, of Nevada. Maternal great-grandparents are Wilma and George Vandenburg, of Metz. Matneral great-great-grandparent is Ertis Brown of Schell City...
Nevada City Council to take on final budget approval tonight
(Local News ~ 12/18/07)
The Nevada City Council will be holding their second and final reading of an ordinance approving the 2008 Nevada city budget when they meet tonight in the council chambers at the Public Safety building, 120 S. Ash St. The total budget of $24.3 million includes $4.98 million for personnel costs, $2.91 million for supplies and services, $798,000 for capital outlay, $14.7 million for capital projects, and $230,767 for debt service. ...
Regional planning commission drafts transportation plan
(Local News ~ 12/18/07)
The Kaysinger Basin Regional Planning Commission has created a Transit Coordination Plan for Bates, Benton, Cedar, Henry, Hickory, St. Clair and Vernon counties. The transit plan is in the draft phase and is now open for public comment until Jan. 17. It is available at the Kaysinger office in Clinton or it can be e-mailed to those requesting it...
- Sheldon alderman scrutinizes budget items, procedural rules in Thursday meeting (Local News ~ 12/18/07)
Youth basketball tournament schedule
(Community Sports ~ 12/18/07)
During the coming week the basketball court at the Nevada Middle School will be busy every night and all day Saturday with 12 boys and 12 girls teams ranging from fourth grade to junior high competing in the Dog Athletics Third Annual Basketball Tournament...
Keeping score (Local News ~ 12/18/07)
Latest travel advisory: Pack neatly
(Column ~ 12/18/07)
In some not-so-surprising news, Brad Pitt has dropped out of the movie "State of Play," in which he was supposed to play a journalist. While there's been no official announcement, the problem apparently stems from Pitt's sudden realization that he simply wasn't good-looking enough to play a real-live journalist...
What they're saying…
(Editorial ~ 12/18/07)
Excerpts from recent editorials in newspapers in the United States and abroad: Dec. 12 The Baltimore Sun, on cocaine sentencing guidelines: With a welcome dose of common sense, the U.S. Supreme Court has made it clear that federal sentencing guidelines are advisory, not mandatory, and that a judge is still free to exercise discretion, depending on the circumstances of the case. ...
Major Davis Brown
(Births ~ 12/18/07)
Treg and Rachael Fuller Brown are proud to announce the adoption of their son, Major Davis Brown. Major was born on Feb. 15, 2007, in Hachimen City, Vietnam. Mr. and Mrs. Brown Traveled to Vietnam for 16 days to receive the baby on Oct. 25. Major will be loved and adored by his paternal grandparents, Davie and Phyllis Brown, of Nevada, and his maternal grandparents Rich Fuller, of Wagner, Okla., and Connie Smith of Wightwright, Texas; as well as several aunts uncles, nieces and nephews...
Stories from Tuesday, December 18, 2007
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