Give 'em Hell Harry
(Column ~ 05/30/08)
Over the weekend, I watched a two part biography about Harry S. Truman. I would suggest to any and all, that you watch this remarkable story if you get the chance, it is really great. The origin of the title of this story was unknown to me before I watched this special...
Sheriff's Report May 28
(Police/Fire Report ~ 05/30/08)
May 28 There were reports of suspicious activity in the Nevada area, a suspicious person in the Nevada area, an animal in the Nevada area, cows out in the Horton area, property damage in the Moundville area, a burglary in the Sheldon area, a theft in the Nevada area, a theft in the Moundville area, property damage in the Nevada area, a check well being in the Sheldon area, stolen property in the Metz area, a four-wheeled ATV in the Moundville area, vandalism in the Nevada area, an assault in the El Dorado Springs area, road rage in the Lawrence County area, an assault in the El Dorado Springs area, a domestic distrubance in the Bronaugh area, a controlled burn in the Milo area, a missing person in the Walker area, a peace disturbance in the Nevada area, a controlled burn in the Bronaugh area, an agency assit in the Nevada area, and trespassing in the Nevada area.. ...
Tiger summer football camp to begin June 2
(Community Sports ~ 05/30/08)
Nevada High School Football Coach Jay Fleeman has announced the summer football camp schedule. Fleeman said the high school boys football camp will be conducted June 2-5, from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. The junior high football camp will run July 22-24, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.; and the camp for grades 3 through 6 will run July 29-31, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m...
WIC program announces new income guidelines
(Local News ~ 05/30/08)
The Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services Bureau of Women, Infants and Children and Nutrition Services has announced new income guidelines for the WIC program. WIC is a supplemental nutrition program funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, provided at no cost to eligible moms, babies and children. ...
Board of Equalization to review property values
(Local News ~ 05/30/08)
According to the assessor, the new assessments were established, notices were sent to owners whose real property increased in value, and, as the law requires, the assessment books were returned to the county clerk. The next step in the property tax process is a review of assessments by the county board of equalization, followed by the setting of levies by the political subdivisions...
West Central Missouri Community Action Agency offers array of services
(Local News ~ 05/30/08)
APPLETON CITY, Mo. -- West Central Community Action Agency joins the nation in celebrating June as National Homeownership Month and Fair Housing Month. West Central Housing Division provides many services and all of them are free. These services include: Homebuyer education programs, homeownership program, pre- and post- purchase counseling, mortgage delinquency and default resolution, loss mitigation, renter's assistance counseling, money and debt management, predatory lending recognition, home improvement and rehabilitation, fair housing assistance, services for the homeless, housing counseling and reverse mortgage counseling, as well as a a family self-sufficiency program.. ...
Council appoints new member
(Local News ~ 05/30/08)
The Nevada City Charter provides no specific method to select a replacement city council member, so in a special meeting held Thursday night, the council had to make up their own procedure to fill the remaining 10 months of the term vacated when Russ Kemm resigned on May 20...
Armadillo population grows in Missouri
(Local News ~ 05/30/08)
COLUMBIA, Mo.- Missourians may find unexpected visitors in their lawns and gardens this summer as armadillos become a more familiar sight in the southern half of the state, said a University of Missouri Extension wildlife specialist. "They are now commonly seen in southern Missouri," said Bob Pierce...
Summer reading buzz (Local News ~ 05/30/08)
First local guitar contest winners announced (Local News ~ 05/30/08)
Stories from Friday, May 30, 2008
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