Voters to consider increasing support services for senior citizens
(Column ~ 08/01/08)
Tuesday is an important date for the citizens of Missouri; it is the date to go to the polls to vote. It is a privilege to have the opportunity to vote and it is also a responsibility. We live in a democracy and the way to keep this type of government, eligible voters need to vote...
Big, Big Country
(Column ~ 08/01/08)
Back home again in good old Missouri, I am taking stock of my recent vacation. It is still a Big, Big Country out there. Some things have changed, but many remain the same. Some things need to change even more. I endeavored to observe all that I could of the country as I visited each different place. America is still much like one of my Grandmother's quilts. If you travel in one direction for very long, the scenery is bound to change...
Your vote is important in senior center issue
(Letter to the Editor ~ 08/01/08)
Dear Editor, On Aug. 5, 2008, Vernon County voters will have an opportunity to support a generation of our senior citizens who have become known as the "Greatest Generation." Our seniors have earned that title by surviving a worldwide depression, winning a world war, building more roads, highways, bridges, dams, hospitals, schools, and conquering more diseases than any generation before or after them. ...
Velma Ruth Gibson
(Obituary ~ 08/01/08)
Velma Ruth Gibson, 74, Nevada, passed away Wednesday, July 30, 2008, at Freeman West Health Systems, Joplin, Mo., following lengthy illness. She was born June 13, 1934, in Carthage, Mo., to Judson B. Driver and Mary E. Rapp Driver. Ruth graduated from Lamar High School, Lamar, Mo., in 1952. ...
Sheriff's Report July 30
(Police/Fire Report ~ 08/01/08)
July 30 There were reports of a suspicous person in the Nevada area, an abandoned vehicle in the Nevada area, a traffic stop in the Nevada area, a 911 wrong number in the Sheldon area, a traffic stop in the Nevada area, a domestic disturbance in the El Dorado Springs area, a check well being in the Sheldon arae, an agency assist in the Nevada area, a burglary in the Sheldon area, an intoxicated driver in the Nevada area, a check well being in the Nevada area, a suspicious vehicle in the Schell City area, a careless and imprudent driver in the Lawrence County area and suspicious activity in the Nevada area.. ...
Police Reports July 30
(Police/Fire Report ~ 08/01/08)
July 30 There was a report of a auto theft at the 400 block of west Arch, made by Jennifer Crews, of Nevada. She reported a 1992 maroon Oldsmobile Cutlas stolen. The vehicle was recovered by the St. Clair County Sheriff's Department.
Parks board chooses contractor for shelter house project
(Local News ~ 08/01/08)
"A repeat of the airport won't happen," Bill Erwin told the Nevada Parks Board Wednesday afternoon, before his firm was chosen to build an enclosed shelter house in Marmaduke Park. "My concern is that Nevada has a poor reputation for projects being finished," he said...
There she blows (Local News ~ 08/01/08)
It had been 38 years since I last saw "Old Faithful" spew her steamy show skyward. As our family vacation wound it's way back towards Missouri, we once again visited another of our nation's most visited attractions. Things have changed quite a bit since my last visit... -
Better At Night
(Local News ~ 08/01/08)
Tonight we visited Mount Rushmore. Having seen this beautiful nation monument once before, I was really surprised at how wonderful it looked after the sun went down. Day or night, however, these massive sculptures are a treasure for our country. Just before dark, the younger ones in our party decided to take the close path below the monuments. They were so close in this picture that the trees are visible...
Campaign meant to deter underage drinking
(Local News ~ 08/01/08)
Gov. Matt Blunt announced Thursday his support of the Federal Trade Commission's We Don't Serve Teens 2008 campaign. "It is important that we provide information to the public about the importance of deterring underage drinking," Gov. Blunt said. "I encourage all Missourians to make it a safe summer for our teens and remind Missourians not to serve alcohol to minors."...
Members bid a fond farewell to chamber director (Local News ~ 08/01/08)
Thursday afternoon, a steady stream of area residents enjoyed an open house reception in honor of Vernon County Executive Director Kathi Wysong, whose retirement became official that day. Although her retirement begins today, Wysong said with a smile, "I haven't cleaned my desk out yet. ... -
Sander celebrates 100th birthday (Local News ~ 08/01/08)
Stories from Friday, August 1, 2008
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