Bobby Gene "Bob" Conner
(Obituary ~ 08/18/08)
Bobby Gene "Bob" Conner, age 71 of Nevada, passed away suddenly on Friday, Aug. 15, 2008. He was born on June 29, 1937, in Milo, Mo., the first of six children to Robert A. and Helen Mann Conner. He was married to Ila Crum on June 1, 1957, in Nevada, and she survives of the home...
Community Center holding soccer registration
(Community Sports ~ 08/18/08)
The Nevada Parks and Recreation Department will be taking soccer registrations now through Sept. 3, for preschool through sixth grade students at the Community Center at 200 N. Ash, Nevada. Cost for the program is $20. Call (417) 667-2740 or stop by for more information...
Sheldon Picnic filled with fun and games (Community News ~ 08/18/08)
Photos by LIsa Hinkle/Daily Mail -
Hume R-8 school board sets tax levy
(Local News ~ 08/18/08)
The Hume R-8 school board held a tax rate hearing and set the rate at $4.51 for the 2008-'09 school year. The board went over the 2008 Missouri Assessment Program test scores. Ron Wilken told the board the scores had improved and Hume had done very well meeting the expectation of the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education and with staying on task with their accountability plan...
Back to school: Be on the lookout for buses, children walking or biking
(Local News ~ 08/18/08)
The first day of school in Nevada and Northeast Vernon County schools is Aug. 22, and classes at Sheldon schools and St. Mary's School in Nevada start Aug. 20. Bronaugh students have already headed back to class. In the midst of all the renewed activity, the Missouri State Highway Patrol reminds drivers that schools will begin soon, and young people will be on the move -- walking, biking, and driving to school. ...
Vernon County Cancer Relief fundraising dinner scheduled to take place on Friday
(Local News ~ 08/18/08)
"We wanted to find something that would give people something special for their money," said Vernon County Cancer Relief President Mike Turnbull. So, in order to raise funds for the organization, which helps local cancer victims with expenses like gasoline for trips to the doctor, and help with a myriad of other things, the VCCR is hosting a dinner featuring chateaubriand, potato, salad, vegetable and roll. ...
Council looks at notion of selling beer at golf course
(Local News ~ 08/18/08)
The Nevada City Council will be considering two measures concerning the Frank E. Peters Municipal Golf Course during tonight's meeting at 7 o'clock in the City Council Chambers, 120 S. Ash Street. One will be a resolution to set in motion the process to allow the sale of beer at the golf course; the second will be an emergency ordinance to waive the green fees at the golf course for members of the Nevada High School golf team when they play practice rounds at times other than during their regular practice. ...
Stories from Monday, August 18, 2008
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