EMS Reports June 22-27
(Police/Fire Report ~ 07/01/09)
June 22 6:39 p.m., refusal of care, no transport. 6:42 p.m., medical, helicopter landing zone. 9:24 p.m., medical, Nevada Regional Medical Center. June 23 5:05 a.m., medical, Nevada Regional Medical Center. 7:09 a.m., medical, Nevada Regional Medical Center...
Kimberly Kay Gean Meredith
(Births ~ 07/01/09)
Katherine and Andrew Meredith, of Nevada, and siblings Deandra, Derrik, Daron, and Aaliyah, are proud to announce the birth of their daughter and baby sister Kimberly Kay Gean Meredith. Kimberly was born at 8:32 a.m., on June 26, 2009, at Nevada Regional Medical Center. She weighed 5 pounds, 8 ounces, and measured 19 inches...
Man hurt in Tuesday crash
(Local News ~ 07/01/09)
A Sheldon man was injured in a motorcycle crash on Tuesday. According to a report from the Missouri State Highway Patrol, a two-vehicle accident occurred four miles northeast of Sheldon on Route DD at 9:50 a.m., involving a 1992 Buick driven by Tucker D. ...
Check withholding to avoid a tax surprise, IRS advises
(Local News ~ 07/01/09)
With 2009 half over, the Internal Revenue Service reminds Missourians and Kansans that there is no better time to check their 2009 federal income tax withholding levels to make sure they do not face any surprises when returns are due next spring. The Making Work Pay Credit lowered tax withholding rates this year for 120 million American households. ...
R-5 board hires new teachers
(Local News ~ 07/01/09)
The Nevada R-5 Board of Education met in special session Tuesday to approve the final figures for the 2008-'09 fiscal school year. Superintendent Dr. David Stephens said the meeting was routine, something done after every year. Stephens said. "The board had to approve the final expenditures for the year. In addition, we transferred money from fund one to fund four."...
Japanese beetles bring appetites to southwest Missouri (Local News ~ 07/01/09)
Adult Japanese beetles are on the move in southwest Missouri and they have brought an appetite with them according to Patrick Byers, horticulture specialist, University of Missouri Extension. These insects can quickly defoliate more than 300 different types of ornamental landscape plants by eating the tissue between the veins of leaves and flowers, a type of feeding called skeletonizing... -
Fairgrounds restrooms nearly completed (Local News ~ 07/01/09)
Heritage tourism effort gains momentum
(Local News ~ 07/01/09)
Freedom's Frontier National Heritage Area took another step closer to becoming a reality last week. Terry Ramsey, who is on the steering committee for the Heritage Area, told the I.M.P.A.C.T. Nevada tourism board Monday night that Judy Billings hand delivered the final copy of the management plan for the Freedom's Frontier National Heritage Area to the U.S. ...
Tribute to America's pastime (Local News ~ 07/01/09)
The HEAT is on impaired driving this summer
(Local News ~ 07/01/09)
Missouri law enforcement will be turning up the heat this summer on impaired, speeding and unbuckled drivers. A new summer enforcement campaign, "The HEAT Is On" begins June 30 and will include seventy days of High Enforcement Action Teams. Effective July 1, repeat offenders of Missouri's alcohol-related driving laws must install ignition interlock devices in the vehicles they drive...
Stories from Wednesday, July 1, 2009
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