Tickets July 17-27
(Police/Fire Report ~ 08/04/09)
July 17 Jo A. Seitz, Nevada, no dog tag, and dog running at large. July 20 Meghan D. Ballinger, Fair Play, Mo., expired license plates. Goldie M. Shaw, Olathe, Kan., unsafe lane change. July 21 Locian D. Bond, Moundville, no valid operator's license...
Police Reports July 31
(Police/Fire Report ~ 08/04/09)
July 31 An accident occurred at 6:44 a.m., at Cash 'n' Dash III, involving a van driven by Janie L. Schlup, of Nevada, and a car driven by Brian D. Burlingame, of Nevada. No injures were reported. A one-vehicle accident occurred at 9:11 a.m., at Spring before Austin, when a pickup driven by Darwin R. badders, of Nevada, that strucka utility pole. Badders received evident, but not disabling injuries...
Council to set property tax rate today
(Local News ~ 08/04/09)
The Nevada City Council will be holding a public hearing and conducting the first reading of a general ordinance setting the 2009 property tax rate. The proposed rate is $0.6736 per $100 assessed valuation for the city's general fund and $0.20 per $100 assessed valuation for the library fund...
AOK Tour of Memories dinner planned
(Local News ~ 08/04/09)
LAMAR, Mo. -- About Our Kids, Inc., is celebrating its 10th anniversary this summer. The board of directors and staff have planned a dinner and multi-level retrospective of the past years of service to highlight the celebration. Community members, past and present campers, their parents and staff members may attend a catered dinner at 7 p.m., at the Wolf Building on Thursday, Aug. 6...
Family, pets survive early morning fire Aug. 1 in Nevada
(Local News ~ 08/04/09)
The residents and two pets from a home that caught fire survived the ordeal in good condition, according to a report from Nevada Fire Department. Firefighters responded to a structure fire in the 800 block of north Lynn Street, Nevada, just after 2 a.m., Aug. ...
Back to school tax holiday begins Aug. 7
(Local News ~ 08/04/09)
With a new school year fast approaching, it's once again time for the Back to School Sales Tax Holiday as established by Section 144.049 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri. This year's holiday will begin at 12:01 a.m. on Friday, Aug. 7 and end at midnight on Sunday, Aug. 9...
'Cash for Clunkers' running out of gas (Local News ~ 08/04/09)
The "Cash for Clunkers" program ran out of gas after just a week on the road. It was, however, a good few days for area automobile dealers. Three area dealers have all had a run on their inventories that has left them without hardly a vehicle to sell... -
Wells resignation was justified
(Letter to the Editor ~ 08/04/09)
Dear Editor: Observations from an "Outsider" (one who lives outside Nevada and has no voice in its government) might bring some light to an "issue" that has generated some heat. In the recent issue reporting the resignation of Tim Wells from the city council, one of the members was quoted in a way that seemed quite critical of Tim and did not tell the whole story. ...
Stories from Tuesday, August 4, 2009
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