Beverley Jean (Collins) Breeden
(Obituary ~ 05/25/10)
Beverley Jean (Collins) Breeden was born Nov. 14, 1946, in Osceola, Mo., to Shirley W. and Ruby D. Collins. She left us suddently on May 20, 2010, at the age of 63. Family was life and Beverley had a full life. She married Sam Breeden and together they had two daughters: Kelly LaSondra and Shirlee Jean. ...
Tickets May 8-18
(Police/Fire Report ~ 05/25/10)
May 8 Sherry A. Atkins, Nevada, driving while revoked. James C. Cheek, Sheldon, failure to transfer plates. Alan C. Clapper, Nevada, expired license plates. Katrina J. Crawford, Nevada, expired license plates and no proof of insurance. Andrew D. Daniels, Nevada, failure to transfer plates...
Housing Authority surplus sale now scheduled for June 4
(Local News ~ 05/25/10)
Due to delays in delivery of new appliances, the final surplus appliance sale at the Nevada Housing Authority will not take place until Friday, June 4, at 8 a.m, according to a press release from the city of Nevada. At that time approximately 40 refrigerators and 40 apartment-sized electric ranges will be available for purchase. Purchases will be made on a first-come, first-served basis. No early sales...
Nevada police to crack down on safety belt law
(Local News ~ 05/25/10)
The Nevada Police Department will be joining with statewide law enforcement May 24 to June 6 for an aggressive Click It or Ticket mobilization to crack down on Missouri's safety belt law violators and to reduce highway fatalities. "Buckle up and encourage your loved ones to do the same. Wearing your seat belt costs you nothing and not wearing it can cost you everything," said Leanna Depue, chair of the executive committee of the Missouri Coalition for Roadway Safety...
Hume board recognizes Patton's service
(Local News ~ 05/25/10)
Board member Missy Patton received a plaque during the Hume R-8 School Board meeting May 12. Patton has given 11 years of service to the board. Scott Morrison, Community Teachers Association, told the board Carlie Campbell received the CTA Dr. Elaine Brame Scholarship of $100 a year for four years as she was the only graduating student planning to major in education...
Celebrating the future: Sheldon Class of 2010 graduates (Local News ~ 05/25/10)
Following their dreams: Bronaugh Class of 2010 graduates (Local News ~ 05/25/10)
Workers prepare for new Griffons season at Lyons Stadium (Community Sports ~ 05/25/10)
Wolfe, Mock, Habjan receive sportsmanship award (High School Sports ~ 05/25/10)
Local athletes compete in Class 1, 2 state championships (High School Sports ~ 05/25/10)
Stories from Tuesday, May 25, 2010
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