Answers still sought in year-old murder case
(Local News ~ 07/22/10)
Nevada Daily Mail It has been just over a year since the body of Belinda Beisly was discovered in her home near Deerfield. There have been no arrests in the case, but several state and local law enforcement agencies have diligently been following all leads since Beisly was found dead of a gunshot wound on July 15, 2009...
Making a difference (Local News ~ 07/22/10)
Nevada Daily Mail Nevada firefighters and On My Own Inc. joined forces on Tuesday to get a wheelchair ramp installed at the 324 North Jefferson home of Bonnie Norris. The partnership came about as the result of a conversation between firefighter Kelly Wingert and On My Own Executive Director Jennifer Gundy during a recent city of Nevada Planning Commission meeting... -
On My Own to host game day July 26
(Local News ~ 07/22/10)
Nevada Daily Mail On My Own will host "Game Day Fun" Monday, July 26, 1-3 p.m., On My Own Conference Room, 428 E Highland, Nevada. Games will be provided, participants may also bring their favorite games from home. Admission is free. Call (417) 667-7007 or (800) 362-8852 for more information...
Book review: Morning in Nicodemus
(Local News ~ 07/22/10)
Special to the Daily Mail A native of Nevada, Ellen Gray Massey, has written another historical novel that takes place shortly after the Civil War. This novel is placed in western Kansas near the town of Nicodemus, which was a town established in 1877 by ex-slaves from the south. ...
Local emergency responders to take part in drill
(Local News ~ 07/22/10)
Nevada Daily Mail Vernon County Emergency Management, in conjunction with the city of Nevada Emergency Management, Nevada Regional Medical Center and Vernon County Ambulance District are planning an emergency preparedness exercise, aimed at strengthening the participants' abilities to better serve the public and to work as a team...
Bedbugs are biting again
(State News ~ 07/22/10)
Special to the Daily Mail COLUMBIA, Mo. -- Bedbugs are back and good-night wishes won't keep them away. "Bedbugs are on the rise again here in the United States. Populations are growing," said Richard Houseman, University of Missouri Extension entomologist and associate professor in the MU College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources...
PSC relaxes complaint rules
(State News ~ 07/22/10)
Nevada Daily Mail JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. -- The Missouri Public Service Commission has amended its rules to make the process quicker and easier for consumers who file a small formal complaint against a utility company the PSC regulates. "These changes will make the small formal complaint process more consumer friendly by making it less formal; by reducing procedural barriers; and by expediting decisions in those matters," said Public Service Commission Chairman Robert M. ...
Tickets July 3-July 9
(Police/Fire Report ~ 07/22/10)
July 3 Kenneth W. Allison, Nevada, no child restraint. Glen P. Bird, Quapaw, Okla., failure to maintain lane, seat belt law, driving while intoxicated. Shelly D. Castlebury, Sheldon, excessive window tint, seat belt law. Nathan P. Clark, Schell City, expired license plate, no proof of insurance, defective equipment...
Albert F. Newton
(Obituary ~ 07/22/10)
Albert F. Newton, 82, Nevada, Mo., passed away on Tuesday, July 20, 2010, at his home in Nevada, following a lengthy illness. He was born Nov. 6, 1927, in Richards, Mo. to William Sherman Newton and Sylvia Abigail Schnedler Newton. He married Donna Puckett on May 28, 1969, in Miami, Okla. and she survives of the home...
Ricky Eugene Henderson
(Other Record ~ 07/22/10)
Ricky Eugene Henderson, 57, of Nevada died July 17, 2010, at Willow Lane Care Center, Butler, Mo. Funeral serivces were held Tuesday, July 20, at 2 p.m. at the Heuser Funeral Home, Rich Hill, with burial in the Greenlawn Cemetery, Rich Hill. Family suggest memorial contributions to the Ricky Henderson Memorial Fund c/o Heuser Funeral Home, 4th & Walnut St. P.O. Box 42, Rich Hill...
Learning about Saline Valley Conservation Area (State News ~ 07/22/10)
With the summer vacation season in full swing, many choose to visit the large lakes of the state. Lake of the Ozarks is one of the most popular destinations, but it is privately owned, so it is not a good subject for this column. However, there is a lot of public land around or near the lake, and one of those parcels is the choice for this week's profile... -
In the good old summer time (State News ~ 07/22/10)
Even though it's 90 plus degrees in the shade with humidity to match, I love summertime. We've enjoyed Bushwhacker Days, the Vernon County Youth Fair and the 129th annual El Dorado Springs Picnic. We've had wonderful rains and rainbows, even a double rainbow. Lots of butterflies have arrived to enjoy the zinnias. The grandkids have run after fireflies, caught them and put them in jars like I used to do when I was little... -
George nabs big fish (Outdoors ~ 07/22/10)
Zevin George, 8, caught this 8 1/2-pound channel catfish on the Marmaton River with his ultra-light Spiderman fishing pole. It was the biggest catch of the young angler's life. -
Mo Labor Dept responds to congressional action extending unemployment benefits
(Local News ~ 07/22/10)
Mo Labor Dept responds to congressional action extending unemployment benefits Jefferson City, Mo--The Missouri Department of Labor's Division of Employment Security has already begun preparing to administer the additional unemployment benefit extension, and will be notifying potentially eligible Missourians in the coming weeks...
Stories from Thursday, July 22, 2010
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