Visiting Fort Crowder Conservation Area (State News ~ 07/29/10)
Many people don't like to travel long distances when the weather gets as hot as it has been the past several days, so this week's profile will focus on an area that is just a short drive from Nevada. Some readers of this column know the way to Neosho, but if not, it isn't hard to find... -
Beating the Heat and Enjoying Butterflies (State News ~ 07/29/10)
Hot weather calls for some creative ways to beat the heat, especially when working with cattle. We decided to spray for flies beginning at 9 p.m. since we have lights in the barn. Our daughter agreed to help. It had cooled off some and a good breeze was blowing so we proceeded. It really worked out well except for one almost major problem... -
New uses for the same old soy beans
(State News ~ 07/29/10)
Special to the Daily Mail While in St. Louis this week, participants in the United Soybean Board (USB) See for Yourself Program had the opportunity to hear about various programs the soybean check-off funds. Jon Campen, New Uses Program Manager for USB told me that one of the more exciting technologies soy polyol technology...
Sheriff's Report July 14-July 21
(Police/Fire Report ~ 07/29/10)
July 14 There were reports of animal theft in the Sheldon area, property damage in the Dederick area, and fraud, theft of medication, and property damage in the Nevada area. Brenda Pettit was arrested for hold for safekeeping. No bond. Troy Bugg was released on warrant recall...
Free as a bird?
(Column ~ 07/29/10)
Many of us watch birds flying around in the sky and envy their freedom. It seems that the ability to just take off from the ground or a tree, and soar up into the wild blue yonder would be a wondrous thing. There would be no constraints to keep you earthbound. "The sky's the limit!"...
Our Heritage
(Letter to the Editor ~ 07/29/10)
Dear Editor: I'm proud of the American heritage that has been handed down through generations of free Americans to all of us. But, with the freedoms and choices to live our lives as we see fit comes a responsibility. That responsibility is to protect our freedoms, our Bill of Rights, our Constitution, and to leave this country with more opportunity, not less, for future Americans...
Vernon Countian joins Teach For America
(Local News ~ 07/29/10)
Special to the Daily Mail Vernon County local Amanda Maxwell, a native of Nevada, Mo., has joined Teach For America, the national corps of top college graduates who commit to teach for two years in urban and rural public schools in low-income communities...
NBC World Series brackets released
(Community Sports ~ 07/29/10)
Nevada Daily Mail WICHITA, Kan. -- The brackets and opening round matchups for the 76th annual National Baseball Congress World Series have officially been announced. The Nevada Griffons will get this year's tournament under way on Saturday, July 31, at 10 p.m., as they chase their first-ever NBC World Series championship to go with two second- and one third-place finish...
Max Motors gathering honors those who served (Local News ~ 07/29/10)
Gene Payne of Max Motors discusses military service with Major Promotable Cristal Horsch of the 35th Infantry Division while Lance Corporal Wilson Payne of the 4th Marine Division speaks with Chuck Griffin (in the background) during the Four States Heroes event held at the Max Motors car dealership on Osage Boulevard in Nevada, on Wednesday, July 28. ... -
Physician recruitment continues at NRMC
(Local News ~ 07/29/10)
Nevada Daily Mail New clinics associated with Nevada Regional Medical Clinic are getting their share of business, and a plan addressing concerns about air conditioning in the operating rooms should be ready soon, according to reports presented to the board on Tuesday...
Hinkle looks back on World War II service (Community News ~ 07/29/10)
Special to the Daily Mail As a child, Barth Hinkle, of Nevada, wanted to be a flyer. His father, Alvin Charles Hinkle, was one of the first U.S. Navy pilots. They were looked up to then as much as astronauts are today. His father was an Ensign with the U.S. Naval Flying Service in World War I. Growing up in Hannibal, Missouri, he was "nuts about anything to do with aviation."... -
Cottey picnic to be held indoors this year
(Local News ~ 07/29/10)
Nevada Daily Mail The city of Nevada is guaranteeing that weather for the annual Cottey Welcome Back Picnic on Aug. 21, will be in the 70's and it will not be raining -- at least if the air conditioning in the Franklin P. Norman City/County Community Center is working and the roof does not spring a leak...
Cardinals win Wood Bat Bash (Community Sports ~ 07/29/10)
BELTON, Mo. -- The Nevada Cardinals 13-and-under baseball team competed in the Wood Bat Bash tournament July 16-18 and brought home first place.
Stories from Thursday, July 29, 2010
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