Leo William Scott (Obituary ~ 05/12/11)
Leo William Scott, 90, Wichita, Kan., formerly of Nevada, died Tuesday, May 10, 2011, at the Veterans Administration Hospital in Wichita, Kan., following a lengthy illness. He was born Dec. 25, 1920, in Liberal, Kan., to John Scott and Nellie Phillips Scott. He was married June 1, 1940, in Nevada, to Ruby Hill and she preceded him in death May 18, 2002... -
Lupita Marie Violet Castillo
(Births ~ 05/12/11)
Lindsey Johnson and Gonzalo Juarez Castillo of Nevada, Mo., and older sister Jazmin Natae Castillo are proud to announce the birth of their daughter and baby sister, Lupita Marie Violet Castillo. Lupita was born at 3:30 p.m., Tuesday, May 10, 2011, at Nevada Regional Medical Center. She weighed 7 pounds, 1 ounce, and measured 21 and 1/2 inches...
Tickets April 26-May 4
(Police/Fire Report ~ 05/12/11)
April 26 Christopher D. Lewis, Nevada, expired license plate, driving while revoked, no proof of insurance. Steven R. McSperitt, Butler, Mo., expired license plate. Jacob L. Smith, Lamar, Mo., speeding 42/30. April 27 Kurt P. Ast, Walker, Mo., failure to signal, driving while intoxicated...
Kindergarten field day (Community Sports ~ 05/12/11)
Slates makes court appearance relating to kidnapping caper
(Local News ~ 05/12/11)
By Rusty Murry Nevada Daily Mail Roy A. Slates appeared with his attorney Brandon B. Fisher in the Vernon County courtroom of Presiding Judge James R. Bickel on Tuesday, May 10 for a pre-trial conference that has been put off because Slates' original attorney, Dee Wampler III, withdrew from the case late last month for undisclosed reasons...
Bushwhacker Days talent, vendors, parade entries sought
(Local News ~ 05/12/11)
Nevada Daily Mail Bushwhacker Days is just around the corner, and the Bushwhacker Days Entertainment Committee is currently scheduling its Wednesday night "Songfest of Celebration" and Thursday Night "Local Legends-Past, Present, and Future" lineup...
- Ventriloquist performs at Moore-Few (Local News ~ 05/12/11)
Ventriloquist performs at Moore-Few (Local News ~ 05/12/11)
Parks tax issue to be on August ballot
(Local News ~ 05/12/11)
By Ralph Pokorny Nevada Daily Mail The city's current 1/2 cent parks and recreation sales tax expires in 2014 and is dedicated for specific projects and cannot be used for operation and maintenance costs. The money for those expenses come from the city's general fund...
Wax Museum: Students interpret history in pairs (Local News ~ 05/12/11)
Students in Nevada Middle School's accelerated classes presented "Dynamic Duos: A parade of Pairs," May 10 and 11, at the school. It's the annual "Wax Museum," a project in which the students choose a character from the annals of history, research the life and times of that person, and create a costume and presentation based on that character in the form of a speech, backdrop of related materials and more. Students spent three weeks working on their presentations...
Stories from Thursday, May 12, 2011
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