Volleyball award winners (High School Sports ~ 11/16/11)
Submitted photo The Nevada High School volleyball team celebrated the 2011 season with a banquet on Monday night. From left, senior Bailey Harbit and junior Regan Kannady received Co-Offensive Leader Awards; senior Marisa Hughes received the Defensive Leader Award; and senior Cassidy Lowery received the Leadership Award. The Tigers went 21-10-2 this season for Coach Ashley Thoreson... -
Aimee Diane Haner
(Obituary ~ 11/16/11)
Miss Aimee Diane Haner, 32, passed away Nov. 14, 2011, at Research Medical Center in Kansas City. Miss Aimee was born Oct. 5, 1979, in Butler, Mo., daughter of Arlene Kay (Brunkow) and James Duane Haner. She attended the Briarwood State School and more recently attended the Day Program at Casco Area Workshop in Harrisonville. ...
Erma A. Bowen
(Obituary ~ 11/16/11)
Erma A. Bowen, 92, died Saturday, Nov. 12, 2011, in Bella Vista, Ark. She was born on May 4, 1919, in Bronaugh, Mo. A visitation was held from 11 a.m. to service time at the Church of God, Deerfield, Mo., with the funeral service following at 1 p.m., Tuesday, Nov. 15, at the Church of God Holiness, old Highway 54, Deerfield. Burial was in the Deerfield Cemetery, Deerfield...
Tickets Oct. 25-Nov. 1
(Police/Fire Report ~ 11/16/11)
Oct. 25 Robert M. Gibson, Nevada, failure to stop at a stop sign, no proof of insurance. Trenda Loomis, Miller, Mo., expired license plate. Teresa A.S. Rima, El Dorado Springs, Mo., speeding 41/30. Oct. 26 Elizabeth A. Ahlgren, Schell City, Mo., expired license plate...
Council says no to zoning change
(Local News ~ 11/16/11)
Last week, based on the current zoning regulations in the city code, the Nevada Planning Commission voted against changing the zoning at 1415 N. Osage to permit a company to build wind turbines at that location. Last night, based on the same set of zoning regulations, the city council voted 4-0, with Seth Barrett excused, to uphold the planning commission's recommendation...
Four departments respond to Prairie Pride plant fire
(Local News ~ 11/16/11)
The Prairie Pride Bio-Diesel Production Plant four miles west of Deerfield was scheduled to be back in production today following a Monday night fire that company officials and firefighters said burned only crushed dry soybeans on the first and third floors and outside the 17700 S. T Highway complex...
Holiday tradition helps build 'Strong Kids' (Local News ~ 11/16/11)
Leung Harris, left, and Erin Morris peruse fetching merchandise in Friday's silent auction at the Osage Prairie YMCA Strong Kids Holiday Festival to raise money for financial assistance scholarship programs for children and families who would not otherwise be able to afford activity fees... -
NEVC speaker calls on students to do duty (Local News ~ 11/16/11)
A U.S. Navy veteran who spent his 22-year career on submarines said at a Veterans Day program at Northeast Vernon County Schools that "duty" is a simple word with profound implications. Addressing 225 students and some 40 veterans and their families, retired Chief Petty Officer III Jim Wilde Sr. of Cadmenton said duty is something all soldiers, sailors, Marines, airmen and Coastguardsmen understand and practice... -
Missouri high school football playoff brackets
(High School Sports ~ 11/16/11)
Missouri high school football playoffs Class 6 SEMIFINALS CBC (11-0) at St. Louis U. High (9-3), 7 p.m. Friday Blue Springs South (10-2) at Francis Howell (9-3), 7 p.m. Friday Class 5 SEMIFINALS Kirkwood (11-0) at Hazelwood East (8-4), 1:30 p.m. Saturday...
Slates gets five years probation in kidnapping caper
(Local News ~ 11/16/11)
On Tuesday afternoon, Roy A. Slates, 57, of Nevada was given a suspended sentence of five years of court-supervised probation in the strange kidnapping case that landed five local men in jail. Slates pleaded guilty to the felonies of concealing a felony and hindering prosecution...
Stories from Wednesday, November 16, 2011
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