Quick start propels Nevada past Fort Scott (High School Sports ~ 03/27/12)
Baseball team begins season with a win -
Tigers begin track season with home invite (High School Sports ~ 03/27/12)
Nevada boys, girls both finish fourth -
NHS golf: First for first time in years (High School Sports ~ 03/27/12)
Tigers win at Neosho -
NHS tennis: Nevada nips Fort Scott
(High School Sports ~ 03/27/12)
Nevada Daily Mail NEVADA -- The Nevada High School boys tennis team began the 2012 season on Monday with a 5-4 win over Fort Scott. In doubles play, Nevada's Andrew Arneson and Colton Short defeated Fort Scott's Davis Drake and Gage Addington 8-3. Fort Scott's Bryce Daly and Hayden Barr topped Nevada's Chris Sandoval and Luat Vu 8-3, but the Nevada duo of Skyler Crews and Skyler Laning defeated Jesse Guerreo and Jon Carpenter of Fort Scott 8-3...
Attorney General's office to hold town hall on foreclosure abuses
(Local News ~ 03/27/12)
Representatives of the Missouri Attorney General's office will be in Nevada on March 29, to conduct a town hall meeting on the national agreement regarding foreclosure abuses. The meeting will be held from noon to 2 p.m., in the Associate Circuit Courtroom in the Vernon County Courthouse, according to information provided by the Vernon County Commission...
Milo man arraigned on animal abuse charges; preliminary hearing set
(Local News ~ 03/27/12)
On Monday morning, Thomas J. Reardon, 66, of rural Milo, was arraigned in the Associate Circuit Court of Vernon County on 18 felony counts of animal abuse/torture/mutilation while animal was still alive-persistent offender and seven misdemeanor counts of violating provisions regarding disposal of dead animals, according to court documents...
Town hall meeting on R-5 school bond issue slated for tonight
(Local News ~ 03/27/12)
The Nevada R-5 School District is hosting a town hall meeting today, at 6 p.m., in the Nevada High School auditorium to discuss Proposition KIDS, the April 3 no-tax-increase bond issue for schools. The district wants voters to OK their proposal to issue bonds for $5,975,000, for "site development construction, equipping and furnishing of a performing arts center and multipurpose building on the high school campus; to complete repair improvements to the Wynn Gymnasium and tennis courts; to acquire and improve the technology infrastructure and complete other remodeling and repair improvements to the existing facilities of the district," according to ballot language provided by the district.. ...
Boy Scout food drive for Community Outreach now under way
(Local News ~ 03/27/12)
Local Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts are continuing their efforts to help others this weekend. Nevada Cub Scout Pack 117 and Boy Scout Troop 42 will be accepting food donations for the annual "Scouting for Food." All donations are given to Community Outreach, Nevada...
Democratic caucus to be held on Thursday
(Local News ~ 03/27/12)
The Vernon County Democratic caucus will be held Thursday evening. Registration is from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. in the Moore Few Community Room at 900 S. Ash. The purpose of the meeting is to choose delegates to the Congressional and State Democratic Party Presi-dential Conventions. Anyone not in the registration line at 7:30 can only be an observer...
Extension to host workshop on use of electric fencing
(Local News ~ 03/27/12)
Are deer and other critters eating more from your garden than you are? Have you thought about putting up an electric fence but haven't been sure how to go about it? Area gardeners will have the opportunity to learn more about using electric fencing at a hands-on demonstration to be presented by Al Decker, University of Missouri Extension livestock specialist, March 29, at 5:30 p.m. at 13314 E. Nelson, Nevada...
I-49: Roads near Rich Hill, to remain open for now
(Local News ~ 03/27/12)
The Missouri Department of Transportation has outlined some of what motorists can expect in the Rich Hill and Butler areas as work on an outer road -- part of the project transforming U.S. 71 into Interstate 49 -- progresses. Access to Bates County Roads 4016 and 3778 to and from U.S. 71 Highway north of Rich Hill in Bates County will remain open until late summer as work progresses on a project to build outer roads between Rich Hill and Butler, the Missouri Department of Transportation said...
Esry performs at Fort Scott (Local News ~ 03/27/12)
Gina Esry, of El Dorado Springs, is a regular on the Fort Scott Country Show. The high school student performed Sunday at Memorial Hall in Fort Scott. -
Bryan to host kindergarten information night April 2 (Local News ~ 03/27/12)
Parents of children who will be 5 years old on or before July 31, 2012, are asked to "Think P.I.N.K." and attend Parent Information Night for Kindergarten 2012-'13 at Bryan Elementary School on Monday, April 2, at 7 p.m. The Nevada Parents As Teachers Program and Bryan school will be hosting the open house and information night for parents and their "kindergarteners-to-be." The children will visit kindergarten classrooms, enjoy special school activities and be treated to a school bus ride. ... -
Saturated Saturday (Local News ~ 03/27/12)
After a week-long, persistent series of rainstorms, the land northwest of Nevada was well saturated, as seen in this aerial photo taken Saturday. A flood warning continues for the Little Osage near Horton, the Marmaton, and the Osage River near Schell City. Although all three were expected to fall below flood stage by late today, additional rain is possible today and tomorrow, Thursday evening and Friday... -
'Protecting Our Children' (Local News ~ 03/27/12)
Officers, officials attend training from National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. -
Bishop pleads not guilty to murder charge
(Local News ~ 03/27/12)
Mark Bishop, Moundville, pleaded not guilty to a charge of second-degree murder today in a Vernon County Court. This story will be updated later this evening.
Stories from Tuesday, March 27, 2012
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