ENJOYING EVERY MINUTE (High School Sports ~ 07/14/12)
Johnson having fun with hometown Nevada Griffons -
Cathy Darlene Brundridge
(Obituary ~ 07/14/12)
Cathy Darlene Brundridge, 57, Nevada, Mo., passed away on Thursday, July 12, 2012, at Nevada Regional Medical Center, following a lengthy illness. She was born Aug. 27, 1954, in Centralia, Ill., to Raymond Rhynes and Betty Louise Schulte Rhynes. She married Dwayne Brundridge on July 20, 2002, in Nevada, and he survives of the home...
Quinn Carrigan Ross and Tristyn Levi Garrett Ross
(Births ~ 07/14/12)
Elexa Owen and Boone Ross of Butler, Mo., are proud to announce the birth of their daughter Quinn Carrigan Ross and son Tristyn Levi Garrett Ross. Quinn was born at 5:46 p.m., Tuesday, June 12, 2012, at St. Luke's Hospital, Kansas City, Mo. She weighed 5 pounds, 9 and 1/2 ounces, and measured 18 inches...
Vernon County Youth Fair cattle, swine and sheep shows judged (Local News ~ 07/14/12)
How lucky are you?
(Column ~ 07/14/12)
Hi neighbors. Another Friday the 13th has come and gone. I hope you all survived the ominous day with no problems. Paraskevidekatriaphobics is the word invented by Dr. Donald Dossey, a psychotherapist specializing in the treatment of phobias, to describe people with a morbid fear of Friday the 13th. According to some studies, as many as 21 million Americans have stated they feel their luck may be bad on Friday the 13th. Who would have thought?...
Towing 101
(Column ~ 07/14/12)
Last week the old tractor (1952 Allis Chalmers) started coughing and sputtering so I took everything apart from the gas tank to the carburetor in hopes of improving the performance. I was in the process of taking the tractor and bush hog across Paint Creek when the tractor refused to run any more. ...
One-time orphanage resident revisits past (Local News ~ 07/14/12)
The Heartland Behavioral Health Sciences complex had changed a good deal since Ruth O'Rourke Draper lived there as an orphan in the 1930s and '40s, but enough was the same or similar for her memories to be vivid Friday afternoon. Visiting from Mountainburg, Ark., with her husband James, Draper found herself saying things like, "We roller skated outside and once we saw nuns roller skating... -
District, teachers to file papers for federal mediation (Local News ~ 07/14/12)
Having failed to reach an agreement over a loyalty stipend and health insurance, talks between USD 234 and the Fort Scott, Kan., National Education Association have reached a standstill. Authorized by the school board, district officials presented what they called their "last, best and final" offer of a 1 percent salary increase for 2012-2013, advanced degree movement and one step up within the salary schedule. ... -
Little Britches Rodeo (Local News ~ 07/14/12)
Chief leaves Fort Scott Police Department
(Local News ~ 07/14/12)
City Manager Dave Martin confirmed Friday that Ron Puterbaugh is no longer the chief of the Fort Scott Police Department. "He is not an employee of the city as of Friday," Martin said. "It's an employee issue and personnel matter." Martin said he could not provide much information on the matter, but did say he plans to research and evaluate the entire police department before naming a replacement for Puterbaugh, who had been with the department since 2009...
Stories from Saturday, July 14, 2012
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