Sheriff's Reports June 30-July 11
(Police/Fire Report ~ 07/19/12)
June 30 Gregory Roberts was arrested for failure to appear. Bond is $750. Jerrold Miller-Biggs was arrested for failure to appear. Bond is $435. Andrea Price was arrested for resisting/interfering with arrest for a felony. Bond is $50,000. Katherine Johnston was arrested for hindering prosecution of a felony. Bond is $5,000...
Brayden Thomas Gardiner
(Births ~ 07/19/12)
Ashley Peacock and Anthony Gardiner of Nevada, Mo., are proud to announce the birth of their daughter, Brayden Thomas Gardiner. Brayden was born on Tuesday, July 17, 2012, at Nevada Regional Medical Center. She weighed 5 pounds, 2 ounces and measured 18 and 1/2 inches...
Here's your hat!
(Column ~ 07/19/12)
Last Sunday a gentleman came through the front doors of our church wearing a hat. He looked very spiffy and since it was an extremely hot day and he had a fair complexion, it was a good idea to be wearing a hat. But when he took it off as he was ready to enter the sanctuary, as any well-bred man would do, he looked for a place to put his hat. ...
Red Sox win first game, lose second in district play (High School Sports ~ 07/19/12)
Nevada Daily Mail The Nevada Red Sox AAA Legion team overcame an 8-1 deficit to beat Harrisonville 12-11 in the ninth inning with two outs and the bases loaded -- on a passed ball, in Tuesday's opening round of district play, held in El Dorado Springs... -
Citizens urged to submit questions for upcoming candidate forums
(Local News ~ 07/19/12)
Nevada Daily Mail Citizens are encouraged to send in questions for candidates in races for U.S. Senate, U.S. Congress, Missouri Senate and Missouri state representative. Citizen-submitted questions will be posed to candidates during two upcoming political forums, hosted by the Nevada/...
Sales tax holiday set for Aug. 3-5
(Local News ~ 07/19/12)
Nevada Daily Mail The Missouri Back-to-School Sales Tax Holiday begins just two weeks from tomorrow. Each year, the state sales tax is waived on a wide variety of back-to-school needs. In 2012, the three-day holiday begins at 12:01 a.m. on Friday, Aug. 3, and runs through Sunday, Aug. 5, according to the Missouri Department of Revenue's Web site, www.dor.mo.gov...
Weinbrenner shares experiences as veteran, mail carrier, and border patrolman (Local News ~ 07/19/12)
By Neoma Foreman Nevada Daily Mail "I guess you could say I've worn three different uniforms of my country for 37 years," said Larry Weinbrenner of El Dorado Springs. In June of 1957, Weinbrenner, after graduation from Southeast High School in Kansas City, enlisted in the United States Air Force. He wanted to join the Unites States Marine Corps, but his high school friends talked him into the Air Force, saying they could do their basic training together through the buddy system... -
Farmers' Market continues (Local News ~ 07/19/12)
Wednesday is Farmers' Market day on the Square. -
LEPC offers easy, online option for reporting storm damage
(Local News ~ 07/19/12)
By Ralph Pokorny Nevada Daily Mail Vernon County residents now have an easy way to turn in reports of storm damage online. "There is a damage assessment form on the LEPC Web site (http://www.vernoncountyoem.org)," Dennis Kimrey, Vernon County Emergency Manager, told the Local Emergency Planning Committee at their regular monthly meeting yesterday at the Vernon County Emergency Operations Center...
Stories from Thursday, July 19, 2012
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