Kaden George David Cherry (Births ~ 08/17/12)
Josiah and Krissie Cherry are proud to announce the birth of their son, Kaden George David Cherry. Kaden was born at 7:32 a.m., Friday, Aug. 10, 2012, at Nevada Regional Medical Center. He weighed 6 pounds, 8 ounces and measured 19 and 3/4 inches. Maternal grandparents are Larry and Sam DeLaney of Nevada, Mo. Maternal great-grandparent is Jeanne Craig of Nevada... -
Bonnie L. McDaniel
(Obituary ~ 08/17/12)
Bonnie L. McDaniel, 79, rural Vernon County, died on Thursday, Aug. 16, 2012, at her home. Family information and funeral arrangements will be announced later by Ferry Funeral Home, Nevada. View obituary and send condolences on line at www.ferryfuneralhome.com...
Police Reports Aug. 14-Aug. 15
(Police/Fire Report ~ 08/17/12)
August 14 There was a report of tampering with a motor vehicle in the 2000 block of North Ash. The two front tire valve stems were cut on a Chevy Impala while parked overnight. A suspect is being sought. 5:31 p.m.: An accident occurred at Route W and Atlantic Boulevard involving an SUV driven by Misty L. Jennings, Kansas City, Mo., and an SUV driven by Dennis L. McKenzie, Nevada. No injuries were reported...
Tigers to play in Football Jamboree tonight
(High School Sports ~ 08/17/12)
Nevada Daily Mail The Nevada Tigers will see their first football action in tonight's 2012 Football Jamboree at Carl Junction High School, slated to begin at 7 o'clock. The event will feature Carl Junction, Monett, Nevada and Carthage teams, facing off in scrimmages throughout the evening...
Largent spent about half as much as Emery in Senate race
(Local News ~ 08/17/12)
Editor's note: This is the second story in a series about state and federal candidates' contributions and expenditures. By James R. Campbell Nevada Daily Mail State Senate District 31 candidate Scott Largent of Clinton raised $144,110 and spent $137,159 for his Aug. 7 Republican primary campaign, or less than half that raised by Ed Emery of Lamar, according to Missouri Ethics Commission reports...
Motorists, students urged to use special care as school year begins
(Local News ~ 08/17/12)
Nevada Daily Mail Classes already have resumed at St. Mary's School, Nevada, and will resume at other Vernon County school as early as next week, and drivers are urged to be ready for increased student and parent traffic, the Missouri Department of Transportation said...
Nevada City Council to meet Monday
(Local News ~ 08/17/12)
Nevada Daily Mail The Nevada City Council will hold a special meeting at 7 p.m., Monday, in the council chambers, in the Public Safety Building, 120 S. Ash St. The meeting, which would normally have been held on Tuesday, was moved to Monday because of scheduling conflicts that would have prevented the council from having a quorum...
Lance Christie files for open council seat
(Local News ~ 08/17/12)
Nevada Daily Mail Filing opened on Tuesday, Aug. 14, and closes at 5 p.m., Sept. 18, for the city council seat vacated by the July 30 resignation of Sherry Steward. Lance Christie became the first candidate to file for the vacant council seat on Wednesday...
State Fair horse event results announced
(Local News ~ 08/17/12)
Nevada Daily Mail Here are the results for Vernon County participants in Missouri State Fair horse events. Showmanship, 12 and under, saddle type Jayden Chei, Nevada: Second place, red rosette -- Freckles. Ranch riding pleasure, all ages Danielle Hillsman, Schell City: Fifth place, pink rosette -- Golden Boy...
Thunderin' Toms to host outdoor youth event
(Local News ~ 08/17/12)
Nevada Daily Mail The second annual Osage Prairie Thunderin' Toms Outdoor Youth Event will be held at Elks Lake at Compton Junction, on Saturday, Sept. 22, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. This all-weather event is open to all boys and girls from ages 6 to 17. Youth who participate in the event will automatically be given a free membership to the National Wild Turkey Foundation and be registered to win a spring youth turkey hunt and have a chance to win a shotgun to be given away that day...
Work continues at TT interchange (Local News ~ 08/17/12)
Super Teen champs (Local News ~ 08/17/12)
The Super Teen Grand Champion Team for the 2012 Missouri State Fair was awarded to four Vernon Countians Aug. 12. Participants pictured left to right are J.T. Kitsmiller, 18, Nevada; Erin Kitsmiller, 16, Nevada; Kayla Forkner, 17, Richards and Heath Sutton, Nevada. Several other Vernon Countians earned honors at the Missouri State Fair. See Page 11 for more.
Stories from Friday, August 17, 2012
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