FBC to bring 'Home Run' movie to town
(Local News ~ 09/06/12)
Nevada Daily Mail In an effort to bring the inspirational film "Home Run" to Nevada, First Baptist Church of Nevada formed a Batting 1,000 Team with several area churches to promote the idea. The producer of the movie had two requirements: an eight-screen theater and 1,000 signature commitments to attend the movie opening weekend in 2013. But the producer indicated the eight-screen requirement might be waived for Nevada's Century 6 Theater if the 1,000 commitments could be obtained...
Preschool Story Time resumes at Nevada Public Library
(Local News ~ 09/06/12)
Nevada Daily Mail Its annual summertime hiatus is over, and Preschool Story Time resumes this month at Nevada Public Library. Story time will be held on the second and fourth Fridays of each month, throughout the school year, at 10 a.m. Staff members will feature the Missouri Building Block picture book nominees on the second of each month and a theme-based program on the fourth Friday of each month...
Bill backing students' groups becomes law
(Local News ~ 09/06/12)
By James R. Campbell Nevada Daily Mail The circuitous ways of the Missouri General Assembly can be alarming to watch, especially when important legislation lands in File 13. Nevertheless, they sometimes produce favorable results. That happened with the roundabout route of a plan to support high school students' career and technical organizations...
Hume schools tackle reading comprehension
(Local News ~ 09/06/12)
Nevada Daily Mail Maximizing reading comprehension is being addressed in a new program at Hume Elementary School. Superintendent David Quick said parents came to the school board last year to say their child had greatly benefitted from a curriculum offered by the Vision Intervention Program of Springfield, whose Web site is at goodvision4all.org. "They paid to have their child tested and go through the therapy," Quick said Tuesday...
Local producers consider planting wheat this fall (Local News ~ 09/06/12)
Nevada Daily Mail Recent rains have given producers hope that they may be able to plant wheat this fall. Pat Miller, University of Missouri Extension Agronomy Specialist, said producers may be looking to plant wheat not only for a grain crop but also to provide some fall and early spring grazing. Grazing wheat is a common practice farther west where soils are better drained and expected rainfall is less... -
Would you swear to that?
(Column ~ 09/06/12)
I guess I have led a sheltered life. In over eight decades of living, I don't remember ever being sworn at. Sure, sometimes my name spoken in a certain tone of voice is almost the same as a swear word. I have received dirty looks at times when someone thought I had overstepped some boundary of politeness or diplomacy. And I certainly have been a partner in a serious argument. But I don't remember ever having a definite swear word directed at me, to my face. That is, until last Sunday...
Sheriff's Reports Aug.7-Aug. 13
(Police/Fire Report ~ 09/06/12)
August 7 Jason Litten was arrested for failure to appear. Bond is $765. Jacob Harper was released to St. Clair County. Misty Mullins was released to Barry County. Lincoln Whaley was released on bond. Brian Garland was released for time served. Bobby Blurton was released for time served...
Sheriff's Reports Aug. 15-Aug. 22
(Police/Fire Report ~ 09/06/12)
August 15 Randy Wehmeyer was arrested for keeping or maintaining a public nuisance and possession of up to 35 grams. Bond is $100,000. Jacob Wehmeyer was arrested for possession of up to 35 grams. Bond is $100,000. Michael Dowell was arrested for failure to appear. Bond is $500...
Stories from Thursday, September 6, 2012
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