Lewis George Carter Sr.
(Obituary ~ 11/06/12)
Lewis George Carter Sr., 75, Nevada, Mo., died Saturday, Nov. 3, 2012, at his home as the result of an accidental fire. Family information and funeral arrangements will be announced later by Ferry Funeral Home, Nevada. View obituary and send condolences on line at www.ferryfuneralhome.com...
Dean William Main (Obituary ~ 11/06/12)
It is with bittersweet thoughts that we announce the death of a very special man in our lives. Dean William Main, 77, born at Mt. Carmel in Pittsburg, Kan., on July 21, 1935, went to be with the Lord in November 2012. Dean fought the good fight against cancer until the bitter end, and finally won the battle when he went to heaven for complete healing... -
Nevada Cyclones fare well at YMCA meet
(Community Sports ~ 11/06/12)
Nevada Daily Mail On Saturday, Nov. 3, the Osage Prairie YMCA in Nevada hosted an 18-and-under swim meet featuring teams from Nevada, Carthage, Springfield and Bolivar. The Cat Tracks squad from Fair Acres Family YMCA (Carthage, Mo.) ran away with the team title, scoring 285 points. The Nevada Cyclones took second with 65 points. The Pat Jones Family YMCA (Springfield, Mo.) squad finished third with 47 combined team points, while Bolivar Aquatic Club rounded out the team standings with 13...
Boys' youth basketball camp moved
(High School Sports ~ 11/06/12)
Nevada Daily Mail The location of the annual Nevada Tigers youth basketball program that is scheduled to begin on Nov. 10, has been changed. Originally scheduled to be held exclusively in Wynn Gymnasium at Nevada High School, the camp will be held on Saturdays during the months of November and December, with the first session slated for Nov. ...
Council to discuss replacing crashed police car
(Local News ~ 11/06/12)
Nevada Daily Mail During tonight's regular meeting, the Nevada City Council will be considering adding about $10,000 to the police budget to cover a portion of the purchase price of a used 2010 Crown Victoria Police Interceptor to replace a police car that was destroyed in an accident on Sept. 29, at U.S. 54 Highway and Business 71...
Voters to decide on tax, other ballot issues
(Local News ~ 11/06/12)
Nevada Daily Mail Vernon Countians will go to the polls today to cast their votes for a wide array of candidates and ballot issues. Two local issues -- one county-wide and one for Schell City voters -- appear on the ballot. Voters throughout the county will be asked whether to approve a 1 percent use tax on items purchased outside Missouri for use in Missouri...
Two hurt in Sunday crash
(Local News ~ 11/06/12)
Two area teenagers were hurt in a one-vehicle crash that took place in Bates County, Sunday afternoon. According to a report from the Missouri State Highway Patrol, a 1995 Jeep driven by 21-year-old Derek S. Woodall, of Nevada, slid on the gravel and traveled off the right side of the roadway, struck an embankment, overturned and came to rest on its wheels, facing north, at 2:57 p.m., Nov. 4, on County Road SW 757, 1.3 miles south of County Road 10008...
R-5 schools plan free Thanksgiving dinner
(Local News ~ 11/06/12)
Nevada Daily Mail The Nevada R-5 School District will be hosting a free Thanksgiving Dinner this year, in the high school cafeteria. R-5 Superintendent Dr. David Stephens said they will start serving at 11 a.m. and stop at 2 p.m., Thanksgiving Day. They will be serving a traditional Thanksgiving dinner, with turkey and dressing, yams, rolls, potatoes and green beans...
Fashion show, food drive slated
(Local News ~ 11/06/12)
Nevada Daily Mail Winter fashion for women will be spotlighted at the CATO-Cottey Fashion Show and Food Drive, Sunday, Nov. 11, at 2 p.m., in the Missouri Recital Hall of the Haidee and Allen Wild Center for the Arts. Cottey LEO (Leadership, Experiences, Opportunity) members and students from Truman Elementary will model the clothing. Sophie Getiashvili, volunteer management intern at Cottey, is coordinating the event as part of her internship responsibilities on campus...
Man dies in Saturday fire (Local News ~ 11/06/12)
By Lynn A. Wade Nevada Daily Mail A blaze that broke out in a Vernon County home just outside Nevada on County Road 1325 and took the life of 75-year-old Lewis Carter is of undetermined origin, Mike O'Connell, Missouri Department of Public Safety communications director, said Monday... -
Visions of sugar plums: Holiday open houses get shoppers thinking about Christmas (Local News ~ 11/06/12)
Police Reports Oct. 31-Nov. 4
(Police/Fire Report ~ 11/06/12)
October 31 There was a report of a vehicle theft in the 200 block of South Alma Street. A 1997 red Ford truck that was in a fenced-in area was reported stolen from a business. Three male juveniles were seen in the area. The truck was later located at South and Ash...
Stories from Tuesday, November 6, 2012
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