Tracing my thoughts
(Column ~ 04/19/13)
Last night I was lying awake in bed and for some reason was thinking about an unusual experience in my childhood. My memories were reliving a time when my mother's club (The Ellis Domestic Science Club) was having a picnic over at the El Dorado Springs Park. ...
Bushwhackers and Osage Indians
(Column ~ 04/19/13)
In the summer of 1863, Col. Charles W. Blair, the commanding officer at Fort Scott, was faced with a multitude of problems which required multi-tasking, to use a modern phrase. This was, and is, not unusual for any military commander in any war, multi-tasking is a way of life. ...
Compilers of history book looking for help identifying photographs (Local News ~ 04/19/13)
The Nevada State Hospital history book, which is being prepared for publication, continues to create questions for which no answers are found, according to a press release on the book. The Employee Relations Committee members, who are preparing the book, have received many photos and only one or two people are identified in them... -
Music on the Square (Local News ~ 04/19/13)
Trip of lifetime takes Cottey students to Southeast Asia (Local News ~ 04/19/13)
Editor's note: Dr. Selena Kohel, assistant professor of psychology, and Professor Karen Polon from Cottey College led an alternative spring break trip to Thailand last month. Most years, Cottey offers an alternative trip to students for those who may want to go somewhere other than Europe. Dr. Kohel, who has family in Thailand, led this two-week trip for 17 Cottey students... -
Area woman's prayers deep in heart of Texas
(Local News ~ 04/19/13)
Nevada Daily Mail While the world waits for news of the dead and what could have caused a fertilizer plant to explode, one Nevada resident remembers the small town with European roots and the neighborly people who live there. "It's one of those very small tight communities, said Lois McMillan, whose family lived near West, Texas, before she and husband, Steve, decided to follow their own roots back to Missouri...
Citizens on watch
(Column ~ 04/19/13)
Hi neighbors. We all have heard of the unfortunate bombing at the Boston marathon. I haven't kept up with the daily dose of what happened and who might be responsible because I find it just too depressing. But whoever it was they may have helped us wake up to the fact that there is danger everywhere...
Protecting our children, victims of drugs
(Column ~ 04/19/13)
Our children are our future. They will be the ones fighting our wars, running our factories, paving new roads, building new homes, and they are the ones that will be working to make a better place to live. Our children are our future, but we are the ones that shape the minds and pave the way for our children to become that future. ...
The world has changed, again, for each of us
(Column ~ 04/19/13)
.We've been forced to confront the horrific events of 9-11, 2001; the World Trade Center bombing, the Oklahoma City bombing, and now, twin bombings at the Boston Marathon. The aftermath of these events ripple still and have forever altered our national psyche...
Bike lane for Highway 54
(Letter to the Editor ~ 04/19/13)
Hello friends: As you may be aware Nevada was chosen by Cerner Corporation as it's pilot program to increase health awareness and healthy living in Missouri communities. They have coined this the Healthy Nevada Project. Part of the Healthy Nevada program is to develop trails and alternative transportation modalities. These would include trails, sidewalk improvement, bike lanes, etc. Many of which you only see in larger communities with a larger tax base and more political leverage...
Sheldon baseball season under way
(High School Sports ~ 04/19/13)
SHELDON -- Just like every other athletics program around the area, Sheldon High School's baseball team has been significantly impacted by issues relating to the weather this spring. Head coach Jason Irwin's squad has, however, been able to get a few games in, despite the weather. In the first four games of the season, the Panthers went 2-2, losing to Dadeville by a final score of 14-7 and Drexel, 9-5...
Rain plagues Bronaugh baseball
(High School Sports ~ 04/19/13)
The Bronaugh High School baseball team is hoping to get on the field more consistently next week than it has thus far this season, with a full slate of games scheduled. But the weather, which has played havoc with all the spring sports schedules, may still have something to say about that...
Spring trout fishing picks up in Missouri waters
(Sports Column ~ 04/19/13)
While many outdoorsmen were busy getting ready for the spring turkey season, others were spending their time fishing. It didn't take long to find out if the trout were hitting on Lake Taneycomo last week when Phil Lilley, owner of Lilleys' Landing Resort and Marina, and I headed out on a cold and windy day. After a short boat ride up the lake, Lilley stopped the boat and said, "There should be plenty of rainbows in this stretch of water."...
Nevada Taekwon-Do fares well at Neosho tournament (Community Sports ~ 04/19/13)
Stories from Friday, April 19, 2013
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