Sheldon board divided over Sheriff contract
(Local News ~ 12/14/13)
Nevada Daily Mail Sheldon's six-month contract with the Vernon County Sheriff department for extra patrol and coverage ended last month. "We've seen both sides of this," Mayor Jerod Lamb told the Sheldon Board of Aldermen at its meeting Thursday. Residents, both for and against the contract, have made their opinions known to the aldermen over the past six months...
Nevada council to consider water, sewer increases
(Local News ~ 12/14/13)
Nevada Daily Mail The Nevada City Council will hold two public hearings and consider two ordinances to adjust the city's water and sewer service charges annually during its meeting Tuesday, at 7 p,m, in the council chambers in the Public Safety Building, 120 S. Ash St, The minimum adjustment will be based on the Consumer Price Index...
- Veterans helping veterans have a brighter Christmas (Local News ~ 12/14/13)
Christmas Past
(Column ~ 12/14/13)
Hi neighbors. If you are finished shopping and are still shy a few gifts for those "particular" people who always give (and want given) homemade or nostalgic gifts, have I got some ideas for you. There are many homemade gifts related to genealogy and family history. The secret is to find the right format and slant to suit whatever age of your intended gift recipient...
Helping others is what makes life worth living
(Column ~ 12/14/13)
"Many small people, in many small places, do many small things that can alter the face of the world." -- Unknown. There are many organizations and groups that help support and give aid to people in other countries that are in need of help. I am pleased to see so many Americans that dedicate their lives to the service of others. It is around this time of the year that it also becomes so obvious how many people there are in our own area that need help as well...
Holidays and year-round, church happenings keep us connected
(Column ~ 12/14/13)
Few things impact us like our faith. Next to our schools and their impact on our lives, our area churches provide a framework for religious pursuit and socialization. A community is often characterized by its volunteer and selfless endeavors and our churches provide a foundation for that outreach...
Stories from Saturday, December 14, 2013
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