Crowder shows off improvements to building
(Local News ~ 05/18/17)
gfranklin.nevadadailymail@gmail.com On Friday, May 12, the Crowder Foundation welcomed members of the public, local organizations and the media to a noon luncheon at the Crowder College — Nevada Campus for a tour of the newly remodeled building. “We are exceptionally proud of this campus, we are exceptionally proud of the faculty and staff that work here,” Jennifer Methvin, Crowder College president, said. ...
Council approves purchase of fire truck
(Local News ~ 05/18/17)
ndmeditorial@gmail.com A new fire truck is included in the 2018 capital improvement budget that the Nevada City Council approved when it passed the 2017 budget, and Wednesday night the council voted 4-0, with Blake Hertzberg excused, to pass on first reading a special ordinance accepting the $333,002 bid from Deep South Fire Apparatus, Seminary, Miss., for a 2018 four door Freightliner Engine to replace the city’s 22-year-old truck, which has 83,862 current miles and 7,061 hours on the motor...
Young authors learn from the pros (Local News ~ 05/18/17)
ndmeditorial@gmail.com Without an idea there is no book. “Where do ideas come from?” Michael Shoulders asked a group of second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth grade authors and their parents during the annual Nevada Young Author’s Conference May 6 at Truman Elementary School... -
Penn reflects on Tigers season-ending loss to Carl Junction
(High School Sports ~ 05/18/17)
Things didn’t go as planned for fifth-year Nevada Tigers’ head baseball coach Danny Penn and his squad in the Class 4 District 12 semifinals Monday night in Joplin, as the second seeded Tigers were defeated 8-5 by third-deeded Carl Junction. “We were tight once the game started,” noted Penn, adding that Nevada looked sharp during its pregame infield and outfield warmups...
Hinton, Beshore receive Bradham Memorial Award; Cox named Nevada Special Athlete of the Year (High School Sports ~ 05/18/17)
Nevada High School junior Braeden Hinton and freshman Calli Beshore were honored with the 2016-17 Kelly Bradham Memorial Award Thursday afternoon at the NHS Media Center. In addition, Levi Cox was the recipient of the Nevada Special Athlete of the Year Award...
Stories from Thursday, May 18, 2017
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