The old trash bin
(Column ~ 08/11/17)
I couldn’t decide upon a good topic for this weeks column, so I am going to graze through my trash bin of thoughts and empty the following: Local schools will open soon. I noticed on the R-5 calendar that the teachers have a workday set for today. Along with this schedule, families will be gearing up to purchase a host of needed items for their kids. ...
Can Kindles replace books?
(Column ~ 08/11/17)
Editor’s note: The following column originally ran in the Sept. 23, 2010 edition. When I talk to some of my younger relatives I keep hearing them refer to their Kindles. Of course I don’t want to appear out of date, so I mention that I haven’t gotten one of them yet, but would like to know why they like them so much. ...
Three Words for a Missouri Hero
(Column ~ 08/11/17)
In my town halls around Missouri, it’s pretty clear what folks think of Washington, D.C. Nothing gets done. It’s just partisan gridlock. Democrats and Republicans can’t work together. And it’s regular people back home who are paying the price. Too often, it’s true. And that reality is one of the disheartening things about the state of Congress...
Schell youth wins UKC National show (Local News ~ 08/11/17)
Schell City native Judd Koshko won the junior division bench show at the United Kennel Club’s 2017 Youth Nationals in Seneca, Mo., on July 22. “I just enjoy doing it,” Judd said. Unable to show his own dog, Judd showed Deep Water IKE who belongs to family friend Jess Dickerson and Cody Myrtle... -
Jeannie Jane “J.J.” Cherry (Local News ~ 08/11/17)
Josiah, Krissie and Kaden Cherry, of Omaha, Neb., are proud to announce the birth of their daughter and sister, Jeannie Jane “J.J.” Cherry. Jeannie was born at 7:59 a.m., on Aug. 3, at Bergan Mercy Medical Center in Omaha. She weighed 7 pounds, 8 ounces and measured 20.5 inches. Maternal grandparents are Larry and Sam DeLaney, Nevada. Maternal great-grandmother is Jeanne Craig, Nevada. Paternal grandparent is Wanda Cherry, Omaha...
Stories from Friday, August 11, 2017
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