What did you say?
(Column ~ 07/06/18)
“Aw sugar” My mother would say when she was upset when one of her wonderful cakes did not rise properly in our kerosene stove that we used in the summer until we got electricity in our house at the Wayside. That was about as harsh a swear word that Mama ever said. ...
Cookies and pole beans
(Column ~ 07/06/18)
One of the least popular classes at every scholastic level is history. When I taught more that one history subject many years ago, students would often complain as to just why they needed to study these boring ‘oldies.’ My usual answer was to tell them that they would have a hard time baking cookies or finding some pole bean seed, if not for history...
Mental Health Committee sets ambitious plans
(Local News ~ 07/06/18)
Thursday morning saw the regular monthly meeting of the Healthy Nevada Mental Health Committee. Although only a dozen were on hand due to the July 4 holiday, those present reviewed and approved a series of ambitious plans. Beginning in September, plans include having a short video on resilience begin being a part of the ads shown prior to movies at the local cinema. ...