NEVC R-1 Board grapples with school calendar (Local News ~ 05/23/20)
At its Thursday evening regular meeting, members of the Northeast Vernon County R-1 School District approved a district food service evaluation approved the high school handbook and program of studies, heard plans about summer school, thanked its retiring board president and looked at various school calendars... -
Vickers gives update on economic development
(Local News ~ 05/23/20)
Ben Vickers, the new Economic Developer for Vernon County and the City of Nevada, recently addressed the city council with updates pertaining to his work. Vickers was selected earlier this year to fill the recently created position. “Although I am new, I did start part-time in March and I've been working very hard towards various projects and things going on in Nevada for the development of our community,” stated Vickers. ...
Stories from Saturday, May 23, 2020
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