Bronaugh High School refinishes gym floor for fall sports season (High School Sports ~ 07/26/22)
With the 2022-2023 fall sports around the corner, the Bronaugh R-VII school district decided it was time for the gym floor to have the a new coat of floor finish before the wear and tear of fall sports comes through. The company redoing the floor finish for the Wildcats is Henry Kraft,that averages about three to six gyms a year... -
Municipal Court staff weighs in on potential transfer to Vernon County Circuit Court (Local News ~ 07/26/22)
At the most recent Nevada City Council meeting, a heavily discussed item on the agenda was considered — Bill No. 2022-064, an ordinance of the City Council of City of Nevada, Mo., transferring the Nevada City Municipal Court and transferring the Municipal Division cases to be heard in the Vernon County Circuit Court Associate Division... -
Mary Frances (Watkins) Fowler (Obituary ~ 07/26/22)
Mary Frances Fowler passed away Monday, July 18, 2022, at Truman Healthcare in Lamar, Mo. She was born the second of two children to William (Bill) and Grace Watkins in Porterville, Calif. She wed the love of her life, Larry Floyd Fowler on June 26, 1959, after meeting in high school. ... -
Dr. Marilyn K. (May) Martin
(Obituary ~ 07/26/22)
A Celebration of Life and Time of Remembrance for Dr. Marilyn K. (May) Martin will be held on Saturday, July 30, 2022, at 2 p.m., at the First Presbyterian Church, at 500 N. Olive St., in Nevada, Mo. Prior to the service, all are invited to the Fellowship Hall to visit with the family and see the works of art Marilyn created throughout her life...
Stories from Tuesday, July 26, 2022
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