Donations sought for March equipment drive
(Local News ~ 03/21/23)
On My Own, Inc., of Nevada, Mo., is hosting an equipment drive during the month of March. Community members may donate clean, gently used and in working condition equipment. The organization is currently in need of wheelchairs, bedside commodes, shower chairs, shower transfer benches, knee scooters, rollators, portable ramps, and hospital beds...
Nevada City Council to vote on signage and dump truck bids, zoning changes, and municipal code amendments
(Local News ~ 03/21/23)
The Nevada City Council is set to hold its regular session meeting this evening, at 7 p.m. During the meeting, various bids, ordinances, and resolutions will be considered. Consideration of Bids The first bid up for consideration is Resolution No. 1699, which involves the acceptance of a bid from Sign Designs in Joplin, Mo., for new exterior signage at the Police Department. ...
Hume Lady Hornets finish successful season with 26-2 record (High School Sports ~ 03/21/23)
Editor's Note: The following was submitted by the Hume Lady Hornets Basketball Coach Justin Wehar. What a successful season it was for the Hume Lady Hornets basketball team. The Hume Lady Hornets team consisted of eight girls, four upper-classmen (seniors, Abby Harris and Autumn Smith; and juniors, Brecklen Morrison and Brileigh Rogers) and four freshmen (Evie-Lyn Lewis, Talya McFrederick, Kenzee Snider, and Dalley Steuck)... -
Geraldine L. Prough
(Obituary ~ 03/21/23)
Geraldine L. Prough, 94, of Schell City, Mo., died on Sunday, March 19, 2023, at Moore-Few Care Center, in Nevada. Family information and funeral arrangements will be announced by Lewis-Hoagland Funeral Home in Schell City at a later time. View obituary and send condolences online at www.ferryfuneralhome.com...
Stories from Tuesday, March 21, 2023
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