National Nurses Assistant week celebrated in Nevada

Sunday, June 15, 2003

Certified nursing assistants (CNAs) work in every care-giving facility. They are often the ones you see the most, caring for the day-to-day needs of the patients and residents in hospitals, nursing homes and other settings. To recognize the invaluable contribution these specially trained employees provide, a week was set aside in 1978 to allow organizations to show their appreciation of their efforts and to validate the importance of their roles in patient care. The week long celebration started June 12 and will continue through June 18. Moore-Few Care Center has a special event planned for their CNA staff each day. Thursday, June 12, each shift had pizza, Friday each CNA received a Mary Kay packet and make-up tips from beauty consultant Martha Martin. Saturday CNAs get to wear jeans and T-shirts, Sunday is Candy bar day, Monday any CNA wearing red, white, or blue gets a free gift, Tuesday they get ice cream sundaes and the final day, Wednesday, June 18 is cake and punch day. Friday 25-year veteran Mary Kay beauty consultant Martha Martin was on hand to help each of the CNA staff pick the best colors and techniques in selecting makeup. She enjoyed the opportunity to do her part to recognize the vital role of CNAs in the medical field. All the participants seemed to have a great time and enjoyed the activity and appreciated the recognition.

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