Then and now 9/11

Thursday, September 11, 2003

100 Years Ago -- September 11, 1903

FROM EL DORADO, KAN.-- A meteor, which fell near Keighly, about eighteen miles south of El Dorado at 8 o'clock yesterday evening, caused a shock resembling an earthquake to be felt all over the county. The El Dorado people ran from their homes, fearing they might fall. The meteor was seen from Rosalia, Pontiac, Lyon and other towns. It is described as an enormous ball of fire, although visible only for a few seconds. MONTEVALLO MATTERS -- An ice cream supper was given at the Smith Hall Tuesday night for the benefit of the Baptist Church was quite a success. Miss Meta Snyder will attend the Nevada Business College this coming term. Mr. Anderson of Oak Grove, Mo., has purchased the Gilmore property in the west part of town and will move his family here next week.

75 Years Ago -- September 11, 1928

CLUB NEWS -- The Lions Club held their weekly luncheon at the First Presbyterian Church today and were served a sumptuous dinner and enjoyed some "peppy" music led by the Lion's musical triplets, McGiboney, O'Connell and Hoffman. "Sandy" Smith "subbed" for Marsh Eichinger, who was scheduled to provide a speaker.

50 Years Ago -- September 11, 1953

Today's special "Welcome Cottey" edition of the Daily Mail will have the widest circulation of any edition ever published by the paper. An extra 6,300 copies of today's issue were printed. In addition to providing 300 free copies to students and staff members at Cottey, 6,000 copies of the edition were published to be sent to PEO members and officials in every state of the Union and some foreign countries. The PEO Sisterhood, which has chapters in all of the 48 states, sponsors Cottey College, contributes to this support and provides leadership for its board of trustees. FROM FRAZIER -- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cline attended a watermelon feed at Davis Park Friday evening. Employees of the local Montgomery Ward store held it. Barbara Winters spent the weekend with home folks. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Craft presently celebrated their 51st wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Cochran and Mr. and Mrs. Ira Beisley attended the funeral for Newton Dillon in Nevada Saturday morning. Glen Craft of Wichita, Kansas, spent his vacation here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Craft and his brother, Nelson.