The way it was

Wednesday, December 31, 2003

100 Years Ago December 31, 1903

AROUND THE COUNTY- A number of Nevada people will watch the old year pass out and the New Year ushered in tonight.

There will be watch services at the Centenary, First Presbyterian and All Saints Churches. New Year services were held last night at the Baptist Church. Tomorrow will be the first day of the year

1904 which will be leap year and will also go down on record as the World's Fair in Missouri, also presidential election year and probably a year of many other important events and discoveries that will be of historic value.

75 Years Ago December 31, 1928

CLUB NEWS- The Leon Ogier Post American Legion has completed the big marker for the guidance of airplane pilots who fly over this vicinity including military, mail and commercial planes. The big marker, which consists of the name of Nevada and a huge arrow, has been painted on the roof of the large Norman Garage building occupied by Mason & DeGroodt, the Nevada Motor Company, Balknap Bros and Ellinger. The letters in Nevada, MO, are 24 feet long and the bars are 6 feet wide and are painted in chrome yellow with black outline. The letter M is so large that four cars could be placed on it without entirely covering the M.

50 Years Ago December 31, 1953

EDITORIAL- Resolution for New Year by Sam Dawson, New York- Everyone might resolve to stop yak-yaking so much and start going a little more. Economists could stop forecasting, especially since each prediction must start with depending on what Russia does and end up provided the consumer doesn't decide to save his money. Automakers could resolve to stop calling everything an accessory and charging extra for it. Please boys, at least leave us the wheels as standard equipment. Comedians on the radio and television could strive for a little better taste, or if that is foreign to their nature, for a little more restraint. After all, boys there are a difference between the living room and the smoking car.

INTERESTING PEOPLE- Delton Armstrong, widely known Nevada horse trainer and shower, has just been notified by the American Horse Show Association, Incorporated that he has been awarded first place in the national association on his showing and training of Air Express, a roadster horse. Armstrong has shown Air Express throughout the United States during the past year and has won 59 blue ribbons.