Leonard at large

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

After taking a "vacation" from writing columns, I am back. Reminds me of the song that Gene Autry sang, "I Am Back In The Saddle Again." Only, I am not fully back.

It is going to take awhile.

We have gone through a lot of "stuff" in recent days, weeks. We have given "stuff" away and have thrown "stuff" away. We still have "stuff" and continue to get rid of "stuff." At a future time, we will still be wondering why we did not get rid of more "stuff." Many have had the same experience expressed to me that they are aware of what I am saying.

My cousin had a career in the Army. He said that the military moved him several times. According to Arthur, if a person does not get fully unpacked do not worry about it.

That was comforting advise.

We found many things that we did not know we had, and many things that we had forgotten that we had. Perhaps the thing that I found that was especially interesting was the Savitar. I knew that I had a copy, but had not thought about it for several years. If you had asked me for my copy of an annual from the University of Missouri, I would have thought it was at the same location as my high school annuals. I have gotten my annuals out from high school and referred to them at different times, especially the one from my senior year.

When I was packing up our old World Books, I found a publication on the bottom of the case. I saw that the title for the publication was, "This Is The 1955 Savitar," but I did not know what it was. Perhaps it was from Central Missouri State College at Warrensburg.

Looking further, I saw that it was my copy of the annual from my senior year at the university.

As a young person, pictures that were 30 years old or older looked ancient. The people looked different and wore a different style of clothing.

When I opened up the annual, in some ways I was in shock and yet I found it amusing and I was laughing. After all, it does not seem that long ago and I was a student at the university. While attending college I could not afford to buy the Savitar. My senior year, I decided that I would go ahead and buy one so that I could have a copy of an annual from my college days.

I looked in the annual and those people looked like they were from an ancient time. I realized that there has been a lot of water gone under the bridge in that period of time. The clothing styles were different, causing everyone to look different from what is seen in these days. Everyone looked young -- like kids. At that time, we thought that we were grown up and mature. People who were 59 were considered old.

I did not think I was young at that time and I certainly am not old now. It is interesting how the perspective changes during the years.

Another factor that made those in the annual look ancient was that all of the pictures were in black and white. Colored pictures were unknown at that time, especially for a printed publication of this type.

An interesting picture was on the page just before the advertisements. The picture, I assume was taken at 9th and Broadway. Broadway being the main business street for Columbia. In the background was the Uptown Theater. That was the place where you went to see movies, which has not been there for several years now. Parked in the street were the latest of cars -- cars from the 1950s. Cars of the '50s are now a treasure collector's item. Many people will give a considerable sum of money for one of the cars. It was an impressive picture to see. I could not wait to show the picture to our kids to show them how things looked back in those days -- only a few years ago.

Looking through the annual reminded me of many of the events that took place.

Paul, our son-in-law, noticed that the long-time basketball coach Norm Stewart was on the baseball team. He was also a good basketball player.

As I recall, I had my picture taken only one time in the four years for the annual and that was because I was going to buy it. I also found my picture in three groups, Independent Ag, YMCA and YWCA, and Student Religious Council. It is interesting to look at the names of others in the groups I was with. A few I remember, most I do not and perhaps some of them I never did know.

Finding the Savitar and looking at it brought back memories of what seems like another life -- an important part of me at that time. It was interesting as was much of the other "stuff" that was found.

There are many exciting things that will be taking place in the next few weeks in this area. It is good to be back to visit with you again. I am back in the saddle again, at least part way …