
Capitol Report

Friday, July 9, 2004

Independence Day - Aug. 3

"Every election day we celebrate and protect our liberty and independence; therefore, those who fail to vote are both profane and vulnerable."

Tuesday, Aug. 3, is the next federal and statewide election. I hope every one of you is registered, and is planning to visit the polls on that day to cast your vote. Ballot issues make this Aug. 3 possibly one of the most significant elections ever in Missouri History. The last day to register was July 7, so if you are not registered, you are too late. However, all may not be lost if you are ready to become a responsible citizen. You can still help by working to help eligible voters to cast their vote.

You could take some time to deliver absentee ballots to voters who cannot make it to the polls. You can volunteer rides to family, friends, or neighbors who have no transportation. Call your county clerk or leaders of local political parties to find ways you can encourage voter turnout. You may have neglected your citizenship duty for years, but make this election different. Help set Missouri's direction; there will not be a better time.

Why is this election so significant? There are several reasons, the most far-reaching of which is the Marriage Amendment being proposed to the State Constitution (Constitutional Amendment No. 2). The Amendment says that only a marriage between a man and a woman will be recognized in Missouri. This amendment is needed to protect the foundational institution of marriage from activist judges like those of Massachusetts. They recently ignored legislative and public opinion to proclaim a new definition of marriage: a man with a man and a woman with a woman. Their judicial action is reminiscent of the Biblical times philosophers at Mars Hill in Acts, Chapter 17, where men spent their time with nothing better to do than to sit around and think up something new.

Another constitutional a-mendment being proposed on the August ballot is an expansion of gambling (Constitutional Amendment No. 1). Gambling money has not solved Missouri's education woes. They have grown worse since gambling was introduced. Expanding gambling is akin to improving Missouri's economy by increasing taxes. Does anyone really believe that we should base the success of education on gambling? Public schools spend dollars and classroom time on character education and then pray for more gambling to pay for it. Gambling and good character do not go together. Missourians will chose between the two this August. Legitimate businesses have made their choice. The Branson entertainment community is adamantly against the new casino.

Elected positions with primaries on Aug. 3 include Governor, Lt. Governor, U.S. Senate, and U.S. Representative, State Treasurer, and State Attorney General, plus several important local officials. Do not sit this election out! Don't be either profane or vulnerable; VOTE!

Telephone Ed Emery toll-free at (866) 410-8822 with comments and advice; or contact him by e-mail at ed.emery@house.mo.gov.