The Way It Was

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

100 years ago:

A $10 gold piece stolen by pickpocket

J.S. Davis, the baker and confectioner informed Chief of Police Janes Sunday afternoon that some one had stolen a 10 dollar gold piece out of his pockets. The chief soon located a boy named Patton, who had changed the gold piece for paper money at Union station.

The boy was arrested and confessed that he took the money, and he was given 10 days in the caliboose. The boy said he placed the money among some railroad timber but the money could not be found, possibly someone having found it.

75 years ago:

Third annual Dairy Day a splendid success

Dame fortune smiled broadly upon the third annual Dairy Day with plenty of sunshine, perfect conditions and a great attendance of people because of the favorable spring which has permitted much of farm work to be well out of the way for the present time.

50 years ago:

King-size strawberries raised by the Fishers

Yesterday Mr. and Mrs. C.W. Fisher brought to The Daily Mail office a quart carton of huge strawberries which they had raised in their garden at Schell City.

Mrs. Fisher measured one of the berries, which are of the Aroma variety, and found that it totaled 5-1/2 inches in circumference.

Twenty-four of the strawberries filled the quart carton to overflowing.

The Fisher's raise the strawberries only for their own use.