The Way It Was

Friday, December 9, 2005

100 years ago

Old street car schedule re-adopted

Col. Gore has announced that the street cars will hereafter be operated on the old schedule. The Mail is glad to know that the old schedule is again in force and believes that the public will receive a much better service. The old schedule now in force gives a 15-minute service between the square and the depot and a 30-minute schedule along both lines. Col. Gore will continue to give transfers and this will be fully appreciated by the public

The people did not ride yesterday because they could not tell which was the right car and when they got on a car it stopped before the passenger reached his destination.

75 years ago

Starts on her west to east flight

BURBANK, Calif. -- Miss Ruth Nichols, New York aviatrix, hopped off at 6:59 a.m., today in an attempt to break the women's one- stop, west to east speed record across the nation.

Favored by strong west winds, Miss Nichols planned to reach Wichita, Kan., by 3 o'clock this afternoon.

Mrs. J. M. Keith-Miller holds the present west to east record of twenty-one hours and forty-seven minutes. Flying last week, Miss Nichols in 16 hours and 59 predicted minutes.

50 years ago

Complete plans for additions in Sheldon

Members of the Sheldon school board met last night with the architect and bondsman to complete plans for the construction of a new building approved recently by district voters in a $130,000 bond issue.

Definite plans were completed for the construction of an elementary building with four classroom, a cafeteria and an auditorium-gymnasium.