
What they're saying …

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Editorials from newspapers around the world

March 14

Corriere della Sera, Milan, Italy, on the proliferation of deadly viruses such as avian flu:

The last few decades, as well as featuring many natural disasters, will be remembered for the accelerated proliferation of previously unknown deadly viruses and bacteria. First Ebola, HIV, BSE, SARS. Now the deadly strain H5N1, carrier of the avian flu.

New pathogenic agents always emerge, of animal or vegetable origin, to attack the human race ...

New contributions to the human defense shield derive from globalized monitoring and from the vast amount of pharmacological drugs including vaccines, serums, antibiotics, chemotherapy.

Still, biologists predict that in the near future there will be many more invisible flocks of enemies to tackle, who knows how many beyond the realms of scientific imagination.

One can repeat for ever, following traditional faith and trust, that "nature is kind." But instead, in all living things, it appears bellicose. There is no pacifism in the biosphere, nor a lasting armistice.

March 14

Asahi Shimbun, Tokyo, on the U.S. military realignment:

By an overwhelming margin, residents in the southern city of Iwakuni voted against a plan for the realignment of U.S. forces in Japan as proposed by Tokyo and Washington. Residents reacted angrily to the high-handed way the central government tried to force the plan onto the local community.

The outcome of the closely watched plebiscite was a harsh blow to the government just before the end of the March deadline for finalizing an overall blueprint on the reorganization of U.S. forces in Japan.

The government must not forge ahead recklessly with drawing up the final report on U.S. military reorganization. It should make renewed efforts to negotiate a deal with local residents, even if that means extending the deadline.

National security is primarily a main policy of the central government, and beyond the responsibility of a local government. But the actual burden must be shouldered by cities, towns and villages.

Thus, serious efforts to persuade local residents, by offering meticulous explanations, are essential. The government is now paying the price for neglecting to do so and pushing the realignment initiative over the head of local governments.

The government says failure to meet the deadline for the final report would shake the mutual reliance of the Japan-U.S. alliance.

Without broad public support, however, the footing of the bilateral alliance will remain shaky. Forceful implementation of the aircraft relocation plan would only damage the Japan-U.S. relationship.

March 14

Jyllands-Posten, Viby, Denmark, on the Israeli elections:

The Israeli election is in full swing but is being overshadowed internationally by events in Iraq and Iran. That doesn't diminish the importance of forming the new parliament. With an Iraq on the brink of civil war, an aggressive and hostile Iran, and an irreconcilable Hamas in power in Ramallah, the future Israel government will face immense challenges.

Acting Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has revealed his plans for maneuvering in this space. He will unilaterally draw Israels borders during the next four years. His plan includes a partial withdrawal from the West Bank and is both ambitious and defeatist. Ambitious for desiring a final drawing of Israel's boundaries. Defeatist because it's based on the notion Israel shouldn't expect cooperation from its neighbors and has to find a solution by itself.

If Hamas and the Palestinians -- despite recent signals indicating otherwise -- really want to talk with Israel about a common, peaceful future, there must be a change of track. Otherwise Israel defines everything.